• The day was hot, very hot. The kind of summer day that slaps you upside the head and tells you it's summer if it hasn't already. And to make it better the fresh air was helping me wake up from the stuffy old church. And with the old people the church servos that day felt OLD! But not at that second, of course. You see that second would be the last dull second I would have for the rest of that summer. Not thinking much of it much I walked to my mom's rusting, gray station wagon and closed the door waiting for her to come. I sat on the messy floor and waited, not wanting my butt to be fried off by the leather seat. Soon my mom had started the car and drove off down the street. We drove through my mother's small town and into the back woods where we stoped the car in front of the large cabin we had rented. I didn't feel like going inside so I decided to take a walk.There was a long path that as Robert Frost would have said was "the least traveled."That path was my favorite, I had only been on it twice, those two times were not dull times either. I had only gone about a few minutes the last times so I felt like traveling for a bit longer.Let me explain to you the forest. It was a lush, summer green. The light barely twinkling through the canopy so little that it felt like those romance movies, or in some cases horror.And to prove my horror case something moved in the trees and scared me half to death. Thankfully, it was only a bird(this isn't a horror novel, thank god!). I continued to walk through the warming forest, triping over tree stumps, small animals, sticks , and many, many more. Soon, my knees bruised up and bleeding I triped over the last of the things I would trip on. I was looking to my left when my toes touched a hard object. Before I could stop my face was muddy and my church dress was dirtied(again). Pulling my self up I looked down and looked at the object by my feet. It was a small purple triangle. I droped to my knees and explored. Poking, rubing, and weirdly sniffing I decided it was a corner to a box. I begin to shake it frantically. Hoping for it to come loose.It did. The dirt around it cracked and fell apart. I begin to dislodge the box. It didn't come loose till my mother began calling for me.It came loose, and not wanting to get in trouble I quickly picked it up, slid it under my arm and ran home.