• Megan stopped to sit on a dark brown moss covered log. She looked at the wolf pup in her hands. "You need a name." Megan said softly. The pup looked into her eyes with a loving grin. "Hmmmm....... You shall be called Pheonix." She said softly. Megan could see how hungry Pheonix looked. "I will try catch us a meal, like a real adult wolf would do!" Megan said joyfully. Carefully, she placed Pheonix on the log. "Stay there!" She whispered.

    Megan parted the long grass with her fingers. There she saw a brown deer that had black eyes. She lowered her body, so the deer couldn't see her. Then Megan crept quietly towards the deer. Suddenly she lept out of the grass and landed on the deer's back. "Ooof..... This is alot harder than I first thought." Megan muttered to herself. Quickly, she bit into the deer's neck. Her jaw grip grew tighter and tighter as her teeth pierced it's flesh. She Kept her tight grip until she punctured it's windpipe. Megan released her grip from the deer. She spat out the blood, while the deer collapsed on the floor. Megan got off the deer and dragged it back to Pheonix.

    "It wasn't easy! But here is one deer for both of us to eat." Megan sighed as she got her breath back. Pheonix sunk his teeth into the deer's body, ripping it's flesh. He got to the tasty meat. Megan copied him. To her suprise, it tasted good. "Mmmm...... I could live off deer. That's exactly what I will do" She muttered with a mouth full of meat. Together they enjoyed the deer. By the time they had finished eating, it was getting dark. "Looks like we will have to call it a night Pheonix." Megan yawned. They both curled up together. Pheonix fell asleep in Megan's arms. Them Megan drifted off to sleep.

    The next morning, Megan woke up to the sound of birds. "Hey Pheonix wake up." She whispered. Pheonix woke up. He let out a little pup yawn, then stretched. Slowly, he walked up to Megan and gave her a sloppy morning kiss. "Awww, I love you to Pheonix. But we really need to get moving. Let's go find some water!" Megan said softly. Pheonix got off Megan. Then megan stood up and stretched. She picked up Pheonix, then started walking down the dirt path, further into the forest.