• I wanted butterflies to float onto me, and land on my finger tips, with them flapping their beautiful wings at me. I wanted birds to fly in and out, watching me, a beautiful princess.
    I wanted a lot of things, but I couldn't grasp even one on my own. I gave up quickly and had no self-cofindence. If I ever wanted to be a princess, I would at least be pretty. But, here I was in my room, hiding my hideous face.
    No butterflies would flap their wings at me, and no birds would fly around me, singing a beautiful melody.
    I would be locked up in my room, my safe warm room, and hide away from everything and everyone. I wanted to go badly outside, but everyone would laugh at my face while I tried too hard to cover it.
    I wasn't normal. I lost everything precious to me. The only thing I had was my safe warm room...
    I couldn't go away from my room, I wanted more and more that I desired it. I worshipped what I could get. I made sure that it lasted long before it ran out of no more.
    My mother abonded me as a child and my father ran away to Las Vegas to get married. Nice parents huh?
    I wanted to find them, but I couldn't. The sun came slanting through the blinds inside my room, making my eyes hurt for a moment before they adjusted.
    Nobody loved me...Not even my parents....I wanted to be a princess and have everyone to love me, to envy me, but I knew it wouldn't happen.
    All my "friends" said that I was lonely and in search of need of a true love, but I answered back, "How thy should I go for love, while I can't even stand to see thyself?" They would scowl at me, but I wouldn't care.
    The only reason why the envy me was because of how I talked. It was supposedley "princess talk". What everybody wanted to talk like. I just nodded my head in agreement, not caring of what they would say and just laugh at the parts I was supposed to laugh and the parts when I would nod my head and smile gently.
    They all said my smile was like the sun in the dawn, but I thought my smile was just like Bella Swan's. Worried, lost, and nowhere to go...

    We all ate lunch inside of rehab and was celebrating my fifteenth birthday. They all sung "Happy Birthday" and I had to blow a candle out from a drawing of a cake. I would smile and they would all sigh. I looked down as a teardrop came out and dripped onto the paper cake.
    I picked it up and tore it to shreds, striding towards the trash can and dumping it in there.
    "Thy I hate to live, I despise myself, I am an orgere, hideous and dumbfounded. 'Tis is almost not enough for me to handle. Being celebrated like this for my birthday when I did so many things wrong.
    "I now wish all of you people in rehab never met me or saw me. I wish and want a lot of things, but I only wish I was never born.
    "I want to be away, locked up in a cell instead of having a so called "birthday party" and not helping each one of you citizens celebrate. I just looked upon you, smiling and laughing. 'Tis is enough reason and I want to go away in my room!" I finished and left, taking only one glance behind me, watching their reactions come slowly, then when they all started to line up glumy towards the trashcan.

    I sat on my bed thinking about what I did that day, how I hurt those people feelings and their emotions. I thought hard about that day for a long time. That was one year ago, now i'm inside an orphanage hoping to get adopted. I wait and wait patiently, wanting more things than ever ever since that day.
    Ever since rehab. I sighed silently and fell asleep, but shortly after what seemed like mintues, a friendly worker was smiling above me.
    "Come, Heather, you have been adopted."
    I took me a long time that I was finally adopted. I smiled from ear to ear, glancing back at the room as I walked out.
    So much a like as my rehab cell. The way the sun would slant through and how there was a desk similair to here.
    Flashbacks called to me as I ran through the lunchroom. Me standing on the floor, the next second onto the table. I raced along, then came face to face with a man and a woman.
    "Hello, Heather," The woman said. Her voice soft, but yet strong.
    "We're gald we adopted you," The man replied, smiling.
    Tears came into my eyes as we stepped out into the light for the first time...

    4 YEARS LATER...
    My college teacher made me do a report about my life. I decided to do it today, November sixth, 2008. As I decided to begin it, I quickly wrote
    "I wanted butterflies to float onto me, and land on my finger tips, with them flapping their beautiful wings at me. I wanted birds to fly in and out, watching me, a beautiful princess.
    I wanted a lot of things, but I couldn't grasp even one on my own. I gave up quickly and had no self-cofindence. If I ever wanted to be a princess, I would at least be pretty. But, here I was in my room, hiding my hideous face.
    No butterflies would flap their wings at me, and no birds would fly around me, singing a beautiful melody."