• By the time authorities came around, Hero was long gone. He had left the city, and was already heading for the mines.
    "Hero, was that really necessary?" Scarecrow asked, sighing inwardly.
    "Why, whatever do you mean my chum?" He asked, playing dumb with a grin on his face.
    "Slicing two people in half!" He retorted.
    "Would you have rather them killed us?" Hero asked him, pointedly.
    "Well... No, but--"
    "Agh, leave Hero along laddy. It's not like killin' someone is somthin' new." Argest mentioned.
    "Exactly my point. It's either kill, or be killed in this world." Hero added.
    "Well, I don't like it! If I ran these countries there'd be no fighting, and... And no weapons!"
    "So, killing would be aloud?" Hero asked with a chuckle.
    "No! That too! It goes under the category of fighting!" Scarecrow cried.
    "Fighting, and killing are two different things. If you're fighting someone, you're not necessarily killing them." Hero replied. Scarecrow simply replied with a whine. Hero always loved getting into battle of the wits, with Scarecrow seemed to have none.

    Hero was now far from the city, walking through a large field, the sun was high in the sky beaming down onto Hero
    "Gah! Damn, where are the gem mines Mr.Hakkins told us about?!" He barked, getting frusturated due to the heat. "It has to get hot out only when we're on long journeys..." Hero mumbled to himself.
    "I've been through these lands before, we're gettin' close that's for sure." Argest assured his partner. Hero sighed
    "I Sure hope so..." He replied.
    Hero began trotting up a large hill, the hill provided well needed shade which definately helped Hero's stamina.
    Once Hero reached the top, a smile snapped onto his face as he saw the land mines just at the foot of the hill. "Yes!" He cheered, when suddenly a bullet wizzed past Hero's head
    "What the hell?!" Hero exclaimed. In front of the entrance of the mine, were two men ragedy clothing, armed with sub-machine guns
    "Well there's the hired muscle..." Hero moaned, "Ugh. Hey Argest, you wanna have some fun?"
    "You know I do, laddy!"
    Hero chuckled "Alright then! Let's have some fun!"

    The two hired muscle paused at what was happening to Hero, they weren't to sure what was going one. Dark red smoke was emitting from Hero's ears, and covering his entire body. They didn't know whether to shoot the smoke, or to wait and watch what comes out, or whether it was a smoke bomb and Hero had escape already.
    Before they could deside what to do a bullet entered one of hired muscle's head. The other one looked up the hill as the smoke cleared.

    A scottish man stood on top of the hill, his golden pistol's barrel smoking. Argest looked more like a scottish pirate than anything. He had a long jacket that flowed in the wind like a cape, it was dark purple, and had a gold trimming. Inside Argests' jacket was a large array of guns, ranging from pistols to sniper rifles, there were far more guns in there than you'd expect. Argests hair was red, and spiked backward. A thin ponytail flowed from the back of his head. Argest's eyes were a nice shade of hot pink, his skin was light brown (tanned), large, baggy, black pants reasted nicely onto him, ropes tied the pants legs chut at his ankles, and a rope was used as a belt at Argests' waist. Finally, a long scar went along his right eye, and another on his left cheek.

    Within seconds, the other hired muscle was down. Argest trotted down the hill, reloading his pistol. "Oi, it feels good to get out and kill s**t again.
    "It sure does" Hero said, this time in the form of a voice inside Argests' mind. Argest tucked his pistol away, and pulled out a shot gun "Aye, here we are." Argest said to himself as he stepped into the mines.
    The tunnels were dark, that was for sure. Argest wouldn't be able to see anything if it weren't for the gems. They had a dim glow to them, that was just bright enough to where you could see. There were plenty of them too, so getting around wouldn't be as challenging as Argest had originally thought. Argest entered a large chamber, it was collosal! He had no idea to why there was a need for a mining room this big, but Argest noticed the exit, so he didn't let that bug him. Argest made it half way into the room before the ground began shaking
    "Oi! What's goin' on!"
    The ground stopped shaking. Seconds later a large animal burst from the ground.
    "Crap! A Fierce Mole! Careful Ergest, these things are dangerous!" Hero warned Argest, as the gunslinger cocked his shotgun.
    "Not problem, lad." Argest replied with a toothy grin. The mole was also large, which means this was a nest, that had been disturbed by the miners. The mole was at least as large as two elephants, this was one animal you never wanted to run into while mining.

    Argest immediately unloaded a round from his shotgun into the Fierce Mole. Mole charged toward Argest, ramming him with his hard plated skull. Argest had reloaded by the time, and let two shots enter the beats' skull. As the animal writhed in pain, Argest made some distance between him and the Mole
    "Damn, that's a strong shot gun!" Hero complimented.
    "Aye, she's meh baby." Argest replied in a sweet tone. Although Argest love the shotgun, it was about time for a weapon change. He tucked his shotgun away, and pulled out a weird looking pistol. It looked like a golden snub nose, with a small chain on the handle of the gun.
    "What's that? I've never seen a gun like that one before..."
    "Just watch." Argest insisted.
    The Mole finally recovered, and quickly dug into the earth. Argest kept a weary eye on the room, his opponent had the advantage here, it could come at him from anywhere, at any angle. Argest heard crackling below his feet, and before he could do anything the mole slammed through the floor, lifting Argest into it's large arms.The Fierce Mole began crushing Argest with a bear hug, making it impossible for Argest to lift his arms and fire his weapon.
    "Dammit!" Argest bellowed, feeling a bone starting to crack.
    "Tag me!" Hero ordered.
    "I've... I've for things under control!" He replied. Argest tucked his head into his jacket, lifting a pistol out of his sleeve, with his mouth. After rearranging at the gun, he was able to let of a few bullets into the beasts chest, using his tongue to fire. The beats growled in pain, releasing Argest from his bear hug.
    "I have to give you props. That was good." Hero snickered.

    The Mole recooperated after a short amount of time, and it's fur turned from brown to bright red.
    "Oi! What's it doing now?!" Argest asked, hoping Hero would know something.
    "It's the reason it's called The Fierce Mole. When it gets too irritated, or under extreme stress, the mole goes in sort of a hyperdrive mode. In other words, he's much stronger than he was a few seconds ago."
    Argest had no time to reply as the Mole slammed into Argest with it's head, ramming the gunslinger into one of the walls. Argest coughed up some blood, it was like being hit in the gut with a sledge hammer in the front, and being hit by a cart in the back. Being between a rock and a hard place, I believe that's what they say.
    At this point Argest had not noticed that he had dropped the gun when the Mole rammed him. So his gun lied in the middle of the room.
    "If I could only get my hands back on that gun..." Argest groaned, the Mole pulled back, Argest was still on top of the beats' head. The Mole repeated the process and rammed Argest into the wall again, and again, and again. He couldn't take much more of this. The Mole pulled back again, this was his only chance to get out of this attack. Argest forced his beaten body to roll over, and off of it's head. With the last of his strength Argest got up, and ran over to his gun. He picked it up, and gripped the chain that came from the handle. The Mole was already charging for Argest, he simply waited.
    "Argest! Shoot! What're you doing?!
    "This gun's only capable of one shot, i've got to make this count."
    The Mole got closer and closer, withing seconds the beast was practically on top of him.
    "Shoot dammit!
    Just as the beasts was about to crush him under it's wait, Argest pulled the chain.

    A large beam released itself from the gun's barrel, and charged right through the Mole's torso. The shot launched the mole across the room. It landed to the ground with a large thud, making the ground quake. Argest, who was panting hard from exhaustion, smiled at his victory. Knowing the beasts wouldn't survive a hole half it's size, in it's torso. Argest fell to the ground, laughing.
    "Aye! That was the best fight i've had in ages! What fun!"
    "Fun?! You almost died! How is that fun?!" Scarecrow asked.
    "Laddy, it's something you wouldn't understand. I haven't had a match like this in ages. All pros about traveling with Hero."
    "Any cons?" Hero asked, laughing.
    "Your arrogant attitude." Argest teased, as he began laughing again.
    Now that the fight was over, nothing was stopping him from exiting.
    Argest sood up, and trotted off into the next series of tunnels.

    Someone was just now entering the large arena, where the Fierce Mole, and Argest fought. The man had black hair that drifted down over one eye, red highlights brightened up his emo-ish hair. He wore a tuxedo very similar to Brooke and Bruno's. The man turned on an intercom in his ear.
    "Lady Librarian. I'm in pursuit of the Punk in the Red Jacket" The eerie man stated.
    A voice from the other side of the intercom came in along with a load of static.
    "Ecellent. Now then, Agent Zero, catch up with them, and terminate the target...