• I suddenly jolted from my bed, cold sweat formed on my forehead. I could hear my shreik echo down the hallway and the dissapear into silence... it scared me. I was so confused i didn't know who or what to believe anymore. I remembered when i found out about dad's death when i was little. I had woken up and toddled out to the living room to see mom and some men in blue suits....mom was crying then caught sight off me. That seemed to pset her more. She walked over to me then hugged me tightly, so tightly i thought i might stop breathing and i kept asking her " mommy was wong?" again and again. Later that day after the men in blue (aka the police) left she sat me down on the couch and said while stroking my hair," Lu...daddy...was in an accident....and i'm afraid he won't be coming back."

    Suddenly the door to my room opened and in came Autumn...no wait it was that new guy...Marcus. He looked at me a started laughing. " Do you always cry?" He asked me between laugh's. I was, needless to say, majorly pissed!
    "Where do you get off laughing at me?! You were theree with dad why didn't you help him if your so high and mighty?!" i screamed again.His face suddenly went very serious. " No one could i'd think Autumn would have explained that to you.." he said. All i could manage at this stressfull time was a rappy glare that probubly looked like i was trying to see... " Listen to me Luna it's a large loss for you and your mother i completely understand that." He said. " How could you POSSIBLY understand how i feel?" i yelled. tears started falling again. Marcus came over and sat on my bed, i could feel the bed shift under his weight. " Luna, i honestly do know how you feel. My own family was murdered before my eye's by the demon's then they took me and tryed to make me one of them...fortunatly Autumn and his Companions found me before it was too late... Luna i know exactly how you feel, I've lost as much as you. " she said sadly. " Don't you miss them? your family i mean." i asked. " Yes, everyday but there's nohing i can do... I lost both my mother and father, and my little sister Lacey but i can't cry anymore for them i have to move on to protect the new family i've managed to find... i have to move on." he answered. What he was saying made sence... I always got in fight's at school or in the comunity because someone said something about mom or my dead father...i was fighting to proect her and the only memorys i had left of him. But listening to Marcus's story made me realize that there was more for me to do now... i haden't been aware of it untill now, but i saw everyone here...Laura, Marcus....Autumn....they were part of me new family.