• --Chapter 2--

    J walked up to the door of a large mansion with the letters W, X, Y, Z on the door embedded in silver. There was a J hanging by a loose nail on the end, rusty and almost broken. Well, what an honor, he thought. Suddenly, before he rang the doorbell, the door opened to show W. "Are you J?" She asked.
    "HEY GUYS!!" She yelled. "J is here!"
    "The new recruit?" Asked a voice from upstairs.
    "I'll be right down!"
    "Come in." She let J in the house, and saw that it was much better looking on the outside. The place was a total pigsty! Things were broken, misplaced, on the floor, and somehow on the cieling too. J-Pop was playing in the background. It was shut off. "What did you do that for??!?" The voice asked.
    "Because we have a visitor!!!" Said a female voice.
    "A visitor?"
    "YEAH!! Hero J??!?!?"
    "Hero J is there?"
    "I'm right here!" said Hero J.
    "I'll be right down!" Then the J-Pop was turned back on. Then, in an instant, Hero Z went crashing through a wall headfirst, along with the radio. It broke upon impact. Hero Y stood in the rubble.
    "Great, look what you did!" She said.
    "Look what I did? You threw me through the wall!"
    "So? If you had a softer head, you wouldn't have destroyed the wall!!! And now the radio's dead!"
    "Okay...that's enough." Said Hero W. "This is not a good way to introduce ourselves to Hero J." But he was gone. They looked out the door to see Hero J running away. "You guys are psychotic!!" He said. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew him back in the house. "Just chill, dude." Said Hero X, who was standing on the stairs. "Now everyone shut up, cause the General will be giving us in assignment soon." As he said that, a cat's head appeared on screen of their large, off balance Plasma-screen TV. "Hello, Heroes. Man your place is STILL a mess. But anyways, on to your assignment."
    "Right. What is it today, chief?"
    "Well...You wont take this well. Especially you two X and Z." X and Z looked at one another. "We got a distress signal from a Hero."
    "So? It's just a rescue mission. What's wrong with that?"
    "Well...It's who it is from. My sources say..It is from Hero T." A frightened look got on X and Z's faces.
    "T??!?" Said Hero Z. "But...She's...dead! I saw her die with my own two eyes!"
    "I know. Which is why I am choosing you to go find out the details of this mysterious signal."
    "Can do."
    "Good. General, over and out." And with that, the General's face dissapeared.
    "T..." Said Hero X, also shocked about this. "So.....Is this our mission?" Asked Hero J.
    "I guess...but I already have a feeling it will be hard." And it will be. For Darkwolf's grandson, Gigawolf, flies in the distance. And he has something to do with this.