• The darkness surrounded them as they stood motionless and silent. A cold breeze swept around their feet. Slowly the stars began to light up the night sky, the clouds inched away revealing the moon. The white wilderness sparkled and glowed in welcome to the dim light. Then, one by one, they raised their muzzles to the heavens and let out a long howl, a sound like none other. They were sitting in a wide circle, surrounding their "fallen" leader.Suddenly, the moon's light was swirling around thier feet, the wind picked up and moved with the light, the snow around them was swept into the air, creating a sparkling veil of light, wind, and snow.Then, the "fallen" leader was lifted, slowly towards the heavens, the veil moved with her, and created a circle that moved steadily around her. As she rose, they continued to sing. Then, one by one, they fell silent. Slowly her eyes opened, and she spread out her icy-blue wings. The circle broke as they, too spread their wings and joined her. She sounded the call, the others joining in, flew into pack formation, and together they soared above the trees.

    Lunaris woke from her strange dream.She looked over at her brother,Solaris, who was wiggling around in his sleep and moving his legs every few seconds, she wondered what her brother was dreaming about...................