• Hey guys! I've finished my first chapter. Of course, I finished it a while back, but I've deprived you of a sneak peek of Ozzy Fang. So, my lovelies, here it is:

    The night sky roared and lightning lit up the sky as a dark, rainy night settled over the vampiric city of Gothika. The rain dropped from the steadily rolling clouds, a bright blue light cutting through the long strings of water. Those blue eyes belonged to Ozzy Fang, a royal vampire, the prince of the nightwalkers. He was a descendant of the first vampire, Drakkar Altair. The vampire was crouched upon a large balcony, high above the city, on a cathedral. His eyes shined unnaturally, the glow and a bolt of lightning revealing Ozzy's face.

    His features were that of a handsome man. Ozzy had long black hair, with red dye on the tips. He had defined jaw bones and the best smile of any of the vampires, considering they didn't smile much. He wore a black shirt, which had a stand-up collar, and had a dark red lining that was cut into the shape of an a, showing his stomach slightly, just enough to show his naval, which had around it. Along with his tight-fit black pants, he wears his large combat boots. Around his neck, is a jagged cross-shaped necklace, which symbolized Krishna, the vampire god. Many vampires worshipped Krishna at the Eternal Life Church, otherwise called the First Church of Krishna. Ozzy Smirked, his hands gripping the balcony, between his boots, looking as if he was sitting like Spider-man. All he was missing was the red and blue spandex constume.

    Ozzy looked down at the city, horns all he could hear, lights all he could see as traffic rushed through the large city. He closed his eyes, screams filling his ears. A vision appeared once the vampire shut his eyes, his fangs extending as he watched. He could see a girl backing up in an alley, two lycans cornering her, the girl screaming at the top of her lungs.

    The vampire opened his eyes, which were glowing brighter than ever. "Damn.", Ozzy cursed, letting his hands off the balcony. He slowly stood up, his knee's cracking, the vampire groaning as he stood. Sometimes he thought he was getting too old for this. Even though he was quite young. He had to get back working in the gym. With only a look at the cityscape below, Ozzy jumped. The city scenery blurred as the black-haired vampire soared through the air, head first. His hair whipped behind him as he front flipped through the air.

    An almost silent thud bounced off the ground as Ozzy landed, in a crouched position, the ground cracking slightly. Ozzy stood up, coming face to face with the alley in his vision. The two lycans walked toward the girl, who just screamed. "Showtime!", he grinned to himself.