• "Jeez, I dunno how I'm gonna be able to compete against you guys," said Sarah sadly. "You're really good and I don't wanna lose, but I don't wanna hurt your feelings either."

    "Don't worry," said Danielle. "Your team was beaten, so you won't even have to go up against us!"

    "Oh, yeah!" she exclaimed. "I totally forgot! What a relief! It wasn't really that fair, anyway. I'm happy that I won't hafta put up with the jerks on our team."

    "First up is the Yellow Team against the Red Team!" announced Principal Shafer suddenly.

    "Wish me luck!" shouted Danielle as she ran down to the gym's floor. Chelsey, Morgan, and Sarah waved back.

    Danielle was always kept busy. A ball here, a ball there, balls everywhere! Although she was a good player, there were other good players on the opposing team as well. Once, Danielle tripped. She managed to roll out of the way just as a ball slammed into where she had been before. She was nearly out of breath now. The only thing that kept her going was her friends' support.

    Several long, suspenseful minutes had passed. Danielle was faced with four strong and able opponents. Other than herself, there was one person left on her own team. But that person soon messed up and got out. Now, it was Danielle v.s. three. But she was strong too. Danielle caught one ball, used that to hit someone, and countered another ball, getting all three opponents a one way ticket to the sidelines. The crowd roared.

    "Wow, Danielle! You're awesome!" Morgan, Chelsey, and Sarah exclaimed in unison.

    One more round went by. Some kid hit the principal in the head several times and got disqualified, a few students were put out unfairly, and some people that the girls knew really showed their stuff. Time passed, round after round.

    Eventually, Danielle's team got out and Chelsey and Morgan had some close calls. Soon, the finals had arrived.

    "It's the final round boys and girls! Please welcome our two teams, the Blue Team and the Purple Team!" announced the principal.

    Chelsey and Morgan looked at each other. They had promised not to hit each other unless they had to, but it would most likely boil down to them aiming at each other. They'd just have to go with it and do their best. But what if their best wasn't enough???

    Part 4 coming soon!!!