• As Alex was standing in her window, she turned and played with one of her newly curled curls. She stepped back and twirled around in her new dress. "Hmmmmm.... I looked better in chainmal and dirt smuges."
    Alex sat on her bed and thought back to the good old day's when she fought side her lover Max. Just then a huge bang hit the door. Alex screamed as she ran for the door. She genly pressed her hands on the door and slowly pressed her self agianst her hands. Then another bang came, this time Alex jumped back and stepped on the back of her dress with her highhells, and tore it.
    "Ugh... stupid dress." She said as she ripped it off.
    "Princess.... Don't worry, i'm here. Your Aunt dicied to strike a day early."
    Alex looked blankly at the door then she heard the most horrifing words ever.
    "Don't worry i'm here to save you... don't be afraind."
    Alex ran to her closet, and thought angerly to herself as she threw on her armer.
    "Me afraid... who the heck does he think he's talking to? i've killed half an army of zombies. werwolfs, and even fought my crazy aunt, who is suposiably the strongest evil forse there is."
    As the door smashed open... Alex stood there in amazment to whom she was looking at.
    "Max!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she yelled as she gracefully ran into his open arm's
    "How could this be? The elders sent you away when they said i had to rule my people. They said that you were a distraction to me."
    "Yea they did but they changed there minds when i saved Seth's butt."
    "Oh Seth... haha he's suposed to be stronger than Princess... that's how they won last time."
    "I guse so but i guse the years finaly caught up with him."
    As they were laughing a soilder came up behind Max and drew his sword.
    Alex saw him and turned to get her bow and arrow's, and before the soilder even had time to swing down his sword, and arrow hit him perfectly in the heart. Max fell to the ground, stunded by what just happoned, as Alex powted as she saw her favorite curl become straight agin.
    "I didn't even see him coming, i didn't even hear him breath."
    "I know that's why we make a good team."
    "How so? Max asked in curisosity.
    "You swing the sword at the guys who you do hear breath, and i protect you from danger.
    "Oh so that's how it is?"
    Alex snickered. Max ran up to her and swifly brought her into the air with little efort. As they came gracefull onto the bed, Max was ontop of Alex, both their checks were red. But evrything stopped when a huge thud came and shook the who castel.
    "I'm here, little neice!"