• I glanced out of my window it was a beautiful day, I saw young children playing in the grass throwing the leaves that had been gathered, and another lot of young children were resting among the trees, reading the blurbs of there books aloud, with there friends listening intently. Happy I thought, that's what they were. It was a lovely day I thought to myself as I laid myself down on my bed and soon fell asleep dew to the bright rays of sun blasting throgh my window. xd biggrin smile

    I woke up and began rbbing m eyes with my bony index finger. I sat p straight it was noiw dark otside, the children had dissapeared
    "probably gone home" I said to myself as I picked up the cup of cocoa I had an hour before.
    "so tired" I looked at the clock hanging over my bedroom door. The clock said 10'oclock bt it felt like midnight.
    "is time..." I said. A sly grin crept upon my face.