• After some formal compliments, Ice begin to be a Close friend of Emily. that girl who say to love Vampires seems to be good. "Dad will like this history!" Ice thinked to herself.

    Emily Watts was a girl, who appeared here, a girl who like vampires. Those mystical ones seems to be more familiar to she as any other people on the family. short light-blue hair, a rock girl pants, and a normal shirt. anything uncommon at this point.

    Ice asked to Emily if she wanted a Sundae. Emily accepted without hesitation.

    - I like vannila- Emily said, getting a generous portion of the sundae with the wafer of the top.
    - I see. um...well...er....e...Em...Emily....- Ice talked (like this, really!) with his heart beating so strong as a rock concert
    -Yes?- Emily said with a great expectation.
    - do you...do you..
    -Talk! you are getting me nervous!
    -EMILY, DO YOU WANNA GET OUT WITH ME!!!!- Ice screamed
    - I...I...
    - i see... you don't want it, right?
    - I will like it! sure!!!
    - REALLY!
    -sure, Ice
    - so, see you tomorrow, lady
    and give a friendly kiss at Emily.