• This empty feeling haunts me. I'm not sure who, or even what, I am. My thoughts, emotions, feelings all seem unreal. Is this world really just an illusion? Am I even really here? My thoughts, if they are even that, are twisted and jumbled. Trying to find my way out of this maze was harder than I ever imagined. Nothing is real, except the fear. The cold gut-wrenching fear. Voices surround me, all pushing me in different directions. Confusion, for a split second, a flash of something real. Wandering, lost forever. Hate does not even affect me here, for there is nobody here to hate but myself. Sadness, despair, joy, love. These are things my mind grasps to understand, yet always falls short. My name is something I am unsure of, but I think for now you may call me Sin. There is no one out there who can help me for no one can see into the depths of my mind, where I am eternally trapped. I'm human, or at least I think I am. Something stirs within me. Opening jet black eyes she stands, Sin.