• I was once a normal human, living with a group of survivors in the zombie infested town of Aurora, Colorado. I hated the people I was with, they always came up with the worst plans, and we survived as long as we did by dumb luck, with a little help from these rock puppies. The rock puppies were recently discovered here and since the zombie infestation, their population has been growing immensely. It turned out they were immune to disease such as the disease the zombies carry, and for some reason, they love the zombies, and the zombies seem to calm down whenever the rock puppies are around. So we.. the people I was with.. decided to keep a few of them so that any zombies who came near would calm down once they saw the rock puppy, even though I told them it would only attract more zombies which would overall doom us in the end, but we went through with this plan. So one day, as everyone else was busy building some kind of defense, I was stuck with taking care of the rock puppies to make sure they didn't escape, because no one else had any control over these animals. It was extremely frustrating as they were running around like crazy and pooping and peeing everywhere; the smell was like sulfur taken to a whole new level. I was getting very angry with them and kicked one, and I regretted doing so because right after I did it, a furious zombie came running at me, and I tried to run, but only tripped over one of the rock puppies face first into a pile of rocky poo. Then the zombie attacked, biting my arm clean off, and that's when I lost consciousness. Many hours later, I was woken up by a rock puppy licking my face. I sniffed and smelled the sulfuric-like poo, but oddly, I now enjoyed the smell very much so, and this little rock puppy just kept licking my face, and for some reason I was overjoyed, but when I went to wrap my arms around it, I realized one of my arms had turned into.. some kind of horrid monster, and I was terrified, and I realized I had become a zombie. But just as the bad thoughts were creeping in, more rock puppies began creeping in, and I was greatly comforted by them, and these things I used to hate so much brought me more joy than I had ever experienced. To this day, I live.. (well if you consider a zombie "living" ) ..only to protect these rock puppies, because they are the only things I have ever loved.