• He yawns and stretches. He lies down on is bed, exhausted from school and work. He sets his alarm for 5:00AM as usual. He rolls over and puts his back to the phosphorescent glow of the digital numbers. He was aslep within moments of his head hitting the pillow.
    He picks his head up from the wet pavement. The footsteps have stopped. Panic fills his heart. He swings his head wildly from side to side, scanning the darkness for his pursuer. No sign of him...
    Oh god, he's back...
    Another pair of footsteps? Almost like high heels...Who would be wearing high heels? What the hell is going on...
    Two figures approach out of the darkness. They stand above him with all the authority of death itself. But there is something about the femal figure...It's sad...
    The male figure raises an arm. Is he going to strike me?
    He strikes the woman. She falls to the ground. up close, he sees her properly. It's Faith... Why did he hit faith?
    He gets up, angrily. he is ready to confront this figure. but as he raises a fist and sends it through the man's face, he dissapears. now he looks down on Faith...
    She looks up. Please, stop it!
    I'm sorry! please stop!
    Baby, what are you...
    there's tears in her eyes...she's looking up fearfully at him.
    Wait...Faith never wears heels...
    She smiles impishly.
    Well done, boy. Well played...

    The dream changes instantly.
    The figure of the man is back.
    It seems you've seen through my ruse this time, young man. But I will be back, I always am... And remember, I know all of your weak spots.
    It's 5:00AM. He rolls out of bed.