• Love

    It’s just one of those things you can’t predict.

    One second the boy of your dreams can be holding you in his arms and telling you how much he loves you.

    And the next he doesn’t even remember your name.

    You just got to get through these rough times with the friends who love you and would never do something like that.

    Crash and Burn

    xxxxAs soon I heard the news, I collapsed. I felt like my life just crashed and burned…again, just after it was repaired. I stared blankly for a long while, clearly freaking out. Everything was blurry after that. Voices were fast, yet quiet. Movements around me were swift. People were screaming around me and sometimes at me. Tears were being shed and people were freaking out. I barely noticed any of this.

    xxxx Some moments were quiet, but I kept on hearing screams. I assumed they were coming from someone, but they came from my heart. My heart was screaming. I was still in shock. I couldn’t talk. I couldn’t bring myself to look around at everything and everyone. All I was thinking about was him, and I kept on hearing faintly the news play over and over in my mine.

    xxxxI didn’t want to cry, but I still did, without letting a sob be released. My tears were just falling one by one down my face, and onto my white blouse; I had taken off the black mini vest a moment before I heard. That’s what I did.

    My friends had managed to carry me to the car. I sat in the middle of the backseat with xxxxAllie and Kayla, while Thalia drove. Allie was sobbing and crying in the corner; Kayla was trying to comfort her; Thalia just watched us from the rear view mirror.

    xxxx They brought me to the hospital. I hated this place. I didn’t want to be here, but I wanted to be with him. We went to the emergency ward where we met up with his parents. Allie ran to them. She was his twin sister. I can’t imagine what it must be like for her. She hugged her parents and cried between them, with her father’s arms around her.

    xxxxSlowly, I walked to them and sat down beside Mrs. Simmons. That’s when I regain control of everything; I cried along Mrs. Simmons and Allie. Mrs. Simmons hugged me tightly. It was a great comfort in this dark place. Kayla went to sit with Allie and Thalia with me. My friends were there for me and I can never forget them for that.

    xxxx He was currently someone where in the hospital. I heard that he was in a car accident on his way to meet me and everyone else for the winning party. The team has just won a ticket to state a few hours ago. He was hit by a drunk driver in the rear and his seat beat broke because it was old and his body impact; it made him hit is head on the steering wheel.

    xxxx His name is Davis Simmons. He’s a great guy: popular, smart, athletic, good looking, and the closest thing to perfection. He’s my boyfriend and Allie’s fraternal twin brother. He was always there for someone when they needed it, even when it was far out of his way. One night, he spent hours with me, studying for my history exam.

    xxxx He is more conceited than anyone else I’ve known, but it never rubbed anyone the wrong way because he made you feel important by just being you. He was my wall when I would crash, but when he crashed, I wasn’t there for him. It hurts me that I was there for him. Even now I wonder if I just waited for him after the game, instead of going ahead to the party to help finish setting up... would anything have changed.

    xxxx “Estree?” Mrs. Simmons said quietly beside me. “Let’s go see him now.”
    I nodded and got up. My knees were weak. I was going to fall again without my ‘wall’ there to help me stand.

    xxxx I looked beside me and noticed that Thalia grabbed my arm and was holding me up. I smiled slightly and wiped away the tears that had threatened to fall. She was my wall too. “Thanks.”

    xxxx I looked ahead and followed the others to the recovery ward where his room was. We arrived. It was in front of the nurse’s station. Everything was pretty calm, hopefully that was good. We slid the glass door and entered the room. Inside, there was a nurse putting an IV into his arm. How I know this just proves that I have been watching away too many medical drama shows. I looked at him in the bed and moved to his right side. I stood beside him on one side and watched as the doctor, Dr. Coleridge, explained to Mr. and Mrs. Simmons Davis’s condition.

    xxxx“Davis is stable now. He wasn’t critically injured, but he does have a broken rib, a broken arm that we bandaged, a few cuts that we stitched up. Other than that he is physically fine, but…he did hit his head during the impact and might suffer from mild trauma amnesia. We are going to keep him here for a few weeks for him to heal,” said Dr. Coleridge explained slowly.

    xxxx I looked down at Davis and his face. I frowned slightly. I didn’t want him to be like this. Dr. Coleridge was right; it wasn’t that bad, but just the thought of him being like that made her depressed. I sat down on one side of the bed. I picked up his hand, and then leaned over and laid my head down on the bed beside him. I kept watching the doctor and their parents.

    xxxx“How long will he have to stay here?” asked Mr. Simmons.

    xxxx“Three week at the most. After that he can leave and return home, but he will have to take it easy.”

    xxxxMrs. Simmons quickly looked at Davis worried and moved to the end of his bed. “About when will he wake up?”

    xxxx“He’ll wake up in a few hours. He’s probably very tired. Visiting hours are almost over, but I’ll allow you to stay here until he wakes up. Please excuse me,” he replied before leaving the room.

    xxxxOver the next few hours, we just sat there waiting for something to happen, hopefully that he would wake up.

    xxxx Kayla and Thalia left after an hour, since it was about 1am, but came back soon. They brought us some food from the 24-hour Sonic and some iced coffee and also my car, before leaving again.

    xxxx Mr. Simmons had also left; he went to the next floor, the cafeteria, and was probably sitting there with coffee doing something. Mrs. Simmons had closed the curtains and was now sleeping in chair by the window with her feet in another chair.

    xxxx Allie and I stayed right by his side. Allie was asleep on the other side of him. Her arms were on his bed, and she was leaned over, sleeping on her arms. I stayed up the longest, if you don’t include Mr. Simmons. I just watched and thought about what the doctor said.

    xxxx ‘He will be in the hospital for three weeks. He’s going to miss a lot of school, but I can help I guess. We do have most of our classes together and I can just get members of the team to get it for me to give him too. I am sure they’ll listen; I am team manager after all. I could even get all of them to visit him as a team. Haha, the doctor might have a riot with that…’

    xxxx Those were just some of by thoughts over the three hours. After a while, I got out my iPod and began listening to it. The beeping from the monitors was getting annoying. They just reminded me why I hated the hospital, which is another story to tell later.

    xxxxI listened to the music and soon fell asleep too.