• A stone door opened with a loud grinding sound. The surroundings echo loudly, shaking the ruins. Crumbling rocks fell from the ceiling and columns on to the sand covered floor. This place had not been disturbed since the dawn of time. A thin beam of light shot across the deserted temple, floor to depict a creature slyly darted across the room. This creature of the night was avoiding the light by concealing itself in the shadows. This creature sprung into action once again, racing towards the light source. Four crystals stood dormant in each corner of the main temple room. The creature activated the crystals by accident, he must hurry time is of the essence. Each crystal lit up like a thousand fires. The beam of bright white light beamed to each crystal setting off an ancient alarm system. The athletic creature sprung onto a wall and sprinted quickly and daintily across the stone work, it began to run along the ceilings dodging all the temple’s defense mechanisms, whatever was at the end of the ruined temple in the treasure room, it was never intended to be revealed to the world or to the hunters who wants to treasure it for themselves.

    One beam of light was gaining on the creature. He disparately tried to dodge out the way, but the light burnt the creature, making him lose his balance and landing a direct blow, bringing the creature to its knees. The creature knelt on the sand blasted floor panting and struggling for breath. One firewall burned up from the ground near the creatures’ fallen position. He rolled quickly out the way, then another firewall fired up, the whole temple glowed with a fiery colour. Blood trickling onto the ruin floor, this creature is not about to give up now. He wiped his blood stained wounds and carried onto the next set of traps. Jumping, diving towards axes and swords being throw out of the ceiling. He wasn’t going to stop; he needed the treasure that lies beyond the defenses. His eyes darted across the rooms to make sure the coast is clear and finally his eyes glowed and twinkled as he found what he was looking for.

    He wondered up the stoned carved steps and the last piece of defense. A sigh of relief went through his whole body. The treasure was in a glass box; he scanned the room and saw up above a huge axe hanging above the box. The string was all around the box, the platform and the temple room. He thought long and hard. He couldn’t fly because the room was too small. He could dive but the rope is so closely knotted together. He thought again, suddenly he was a blur jumping to and fro from the room’s walls trying not to catch onto the string. Many have tried this before but never succeeded. He reached the platform of the treasure, picking at the rope carefully; he grabbed the rope and pulled it hard so the axe didn’t fall on top of him. He darted to a nearby column and tied it round securely as he could. He went back to the platform to form his stealing exercise. He touched the glass box, feeling the raw magical power that was swirling inside. He wasn’t hear to joke around, he grab a sharpen tool from one of his pouches, a loud screech echoed through the room, his ears couldn’t handling the high pitched noise, but he forced himself to carry on with the job, at last the circle of glass shattered to the floor into small pieces. He could feel the power of the sphere. The magic inside the sphere filled his body and quickly escaped back into the sphere. He hasn’t experienced anything like that before, he puts the sphere into a special bag, a huge snap was heard, the axe was heading towards him, and he had one chance to hit the entrance. The creature glided to rush before the axe hits him, also blocking the exit off. Diving for the door he reached it, more defenses were now activated; the ruins were collapsing in and around him.

    His head was blurred, a thousand thoughts rushed through blocking his normal thought pattern, he wasn’t aware of the massive crater that had formed when he was in the temple, he stumbled and balanced on the edge of the cavace. He fell backwards onto the ground; the settled sand flew up making him cough. He catched his breath to help him to re-generate more energy for his lengthy journey back to where he came from. Whilst on the ground he picked up the bag with the treasure and made sure it was still with him. Once re-covered the creature picked himself up, and walked towards the cliff that he nearly fell off before. He turned back to the temple with a glint in his eye. He done it, turning back he opened his magnificent glossy black wings that shimmered in the night glow and jumped off the cliff, he soared through the air disappearing into a portal just as the dawn’s sun rose, beyond the horizon.