• Terms of the World
    Corzavvy: (Core-zavvy) The term used in the World to refer to a god.
    Corzaffy: (Core-zaffy) The term used in the World to refer to a goddess.

    The Four Realms of the World
    The Flame: The people of the Flame live in the core of the World. They are the people of fire, and can turn into flames at will. They may also shoot fire at an enemy, as well as travel on the wind in spark form. The Flame is a known threat to the Zarthe.

    The First Flames: The First Flames are believed to be the creators of the people of the Flame. Mother Fire is worshipped by most, she represents life and prosperity. Father Fire is worshipped by warriors and those born with hearts of hate. His most devoted servant's work constantly to fulfill Father Fire's supposed goal of realm domination.

    Fire Fiends: Fire Fiends are people of the Flame who have devoted themselves entirely to the Father Flame. After participating in the Ceremony of Fire, the person will then lose their soul and conscience. Fire Fiends live for the kill, and often serve as mercenaries or assassins.

    The Zarthe: The people of the Zarthe live on the surface of the World. They are a people of nature, and do not seek fights. If threatened, the Zarthe can turn into one of two alter forms. These forms are determined at birth, and are usually the shape of a plant or animal. Legends have told of Zarthe who were full shape shifters, though it is not confirmed. The only enemy of the Zarthe is the Flame.
    The Creators: The Zarthe believe that The Creators were the mother and father of the first Zarthe. Creator Father Zar is the Corzavvy of peace, tranquility, and strength. Creator Mother Thea is the Corzaffy of motherhood, love, gardens, and joy.
    The Fairies: The Fairies live in the air and clouds surrounding the World. They have butterfly wings that can fold into the body when not in use. Flying is achieved at maturity. Select Fairies are able to learn magic when trained, and can perform spells centered around air. The Fairies are a proud people, rarely involving themselves in other kingdom's affairs.
    The Aqualites: The Aqualites live in any and every major water source on the World. They are known for their swimming abilities, and can summon waterspouts, whirlpools and floods, along with communicating with all sea creatures. Most posses small magic's that can enable them to walk on land and other simple acts. Aqualites are peaceful, and private, but live in harmony with the Zarthe.

    Cast List
    Lady Dahlia: The only daughter of Duke Corona of Fairy Kingdom, born to the Duke's unlawful consort, Lady Geodetia of the Zarthe. Friend of Princess Hazel, Coral, Venus, Periwinkle, and Kelp.
    Duke Corona: Father of Lady Dahlia. Serves as the King's chief advisor. Lives in the Fairy Kingdom.
    Lady Geodetia: Called Odetta, mother of Lady Dahlia. Only daughter of Count Edelweiss and Countess Ocotillo of Zarthe Kingdom, disowned, shortly before her death, for becoming Duke Corona's consort.
    Prince Hickory: Ruler of the Zarthe. Hickory is a full shape shifter.
    Princess Hazel: Sister of Prince Hickory. Hazel is the heir to the throne until a true heir is born to Hickory.
    Coral: Daughter of Lord Wave, ruler of the Sea Star territory. Friend of Lady Dahlia, Venus, and Periwinkle. Consort of Kelp.
    Venus: Daughter of Conch and Pebble of Sea Star territory. Friend of Lady Dahlia, Coral, Periwinkle, and Kelp. Head of the Siren's Song Choir.
    Periwinkle: Daughter of Barnacle and Anemone. Friend of Lady Dahlia, Coral, Venus, and Kelp. Member of the Sea Shell Quartet.
    Kelp: Son of Rock and Eel. Friend of Lady Dahlia, Venus and Periwinkle. Consort of Coral. Captain of the Aqualites Defenders, Sea Star Division.
    Firea: (Fie-rea) Firea is queen of the Flame.


    Prince Hickory of Moss Court, Zarthe Kingdom
    She is beautiful, the fair Lady Dahlia. But she does not belong in that kingdom of bubble-headed fairies. No. She belongs with us, the Zarthe, we are her people. Does she ever wonder why she is so different? Why her hair is made of the night, and her skin the color of the moon. Why her eyes are the vivid green of new spring grass, and her wings those of the Luna moth. Does she know that there is something missing from her life.... or someone?

    Lady Dahlia of Cloud Court, Fairy Kingdom
    6 hours after Newday on the 3rd Starsday of 7
    1st week of Bloom Month
    Under the reign of King Callisto and Queen Glaxia

    Today Father has gone to visit the Zarthe. I fear for him, as the Zarthe are known to be of a most savage nature. When I asked Father why he must go he simply said:
    “It is not a matter in which a young lady should know, Dahlia.”
    As if I were a child who could not even fly yet! But it worries me that he replied so, Father does not often keep such things from me. And for him to leave so suddenly, to actually answer a summons from the Zarthe, I just don't know what to think
    Every fairy in the realm knows that the people of the Zarthe are of no more intelligence or importance than a raindrop. The only things those earth dwellers do is work and hunt. Always are they gathering, building, trapping, sewing, cleaning, and repairing, toiling in the mud and filth that is the land they live in. And they cannot even fly! I could never live there. I think I would die of misery.

    ***|**** 4 hours after Midday

    Father is back, and he looks ill. After that long a journey, to such a
    dreadful place, it is no wonder he looks so unwell. He says that there are some important things he must tell me. I wonder what they could possibly be?

    ***|**** 7 hours after Midday

    He has told me everything, everything that I have never wanted to know.
    I am a Zarthe.

    Actually, my mother was a Zarthe, I am a mongrel. It is strange how it has never occurred to me why I am so different then the other fairies. They all have golden hair of varying shades, and blue eyes. Their wings are those of butterflies, not moths. How can it be that I am not truly one of them?
    Unfortunately, that is not all that Father has told me.
    By Zarthe law I am no longer permitted to live away from my “people”, after I have lived seventeen years of life. Is it not enough that I have to be part Zarthe? Must I lose my home as well as my identity?
    Tomorrow I turn Seventeen. Tomorrow I must leave.
    Tomorrow my life will change forever.

    Prince Hickory of Moss Court, Zarthe Kingdom

    “Has she arrived yet?” I ask for the third time this morning.
    “No, not yet.” Comes the irritated reply from my sister, Hazel. She is standing in the main courtyard straightening the hem of her gown and looking towards the cobbled street.
    “Is everything set up? Are the servants there? Does her room look like a fairy's home?” I am so nervous that I have started to babble. Not the best trait to have as a prince. No one listens to a babbling man.
    “Hickory, everything is settled," replies Hazel, "Why are you so nervous anyway, she's just some silly fairy with her head in the clouds and her nose in the air.”
    “Hazel! She is not just a silly fairy, she is one of us and-” I am interrupted by the clatter of hooves. Lady Dahlia is here at last.

    Lady Dahlia of Cloud Court, Fairy Kingdom
    3 hours after Newday on the 4th Starsday of 7
    1st week of Bloom Month
    Under the rule of King Callisto and Queen Glaxia

    I am finally packed, it took me hours to stop trying to see through my tears and call a servant to help. My things have been loaded into the carriage. Mayhap this will be the last time I ride in a carriage pulled by winged horses. Now the tears have started afresh, they are a dreadful annoyance. I wonder if I will ever see my home again. I have already said my goodbyes; the hardest by far was Father's. I am not sure when I will see him next, soon I hope. Now it is time to go.
    I think I will take a nap in the carriage; it is best if I start my new life looking presentable.

    ****|*** 2 hours after Midday

    The first thing I see of my new “home” is green. Green treetops are everywhere. I have never seen so many plants; the royal gardens had only a few. When we get closer I can see ribbons of cool blue water, rivers I think they are called. Up ahead there is a large stone castle with gardens and rivers that form pools. To the left is a field with grazing horses, they do not have wings. What if I am the only creature here with wings? Ah. I had forgotten about the birds, they would be my flying companions, my friends.
    The carriage descends from the sky to land smoothly on a cobble-stoned road. This part of the ride is fairly bumpy, but I am too busy looking at my new world to notice. It is beautiful, this land. But how can it be that the place I have learned to look upon with disdain is the place that feels like a part of me that I was missing, without even knowing there was anything to miss.
    The carriage is slowing. Have we arrived already?

    ****|*** 6 hours after Midday

    The horses stopped, and the door opened. It was time, time for me to accept my new life, enter this new world. I took a deep breath and stood, preparing to step out of the carriage. That is when I stumble, straight out the door and into the arms of a brown-eyed Zarthe.

    “Welcome,” said the Zarthe after he set me on my feet,
    “I am Prince Hickory of the Zarthe, and this is my sister, Princess Hazel of the Zarthe.”
    A young woman no more than a year older than me stepped forward. She had a kind face and deep brown hair braided into a knot at the base of her neck. She shares her brother's eyes, though I quickly turned my mind away from thoughts of Prince Hickory's eyes. Princess Hazel wore a cream colored under-gown and a green over gown with a leaf pattern sewn on the hem.
    “I am Lady Dahlia, it is wonderful to meet you.” I uttered the words with a curtsy appropriate to my station, though I could barely speak for my rattled nerves.
    “Hazel will show you to your rooms Lady Dahlia and I will see you at dinner. Right now I have work that must be attended to.” Hickory said with a smile, and then trotted away.
    Hazel walked me through halls and rooms, chattering away about our surroundings. Finally she opened the door to the rooms that would be mine, and left me there with a wave.

    ****|*** 11 hours after Midday

    I am awake now, obviously, and feel that writing may help to calm my unease. So, a short account of my actions before bed, though they are unimportant and not quite so lengthy as an entry should be.
    I was so tired I didn't notice the decorations or furniture. I just walked to the bed, flopped onto it and fell asleep, not even seeing the pink dahlia flower left on my pillow.
    As I said, short. And now..... sleep?

    *****|** 3 hours after Newday

    I woke up to find pink flower petals in my hair. After brushing them out, I decided to explore my new domain. It is a large room with a window to view the gardens, and there is a desk in the corner. My bed is massive and has a gauzy canopy, with bubble lights on both bedside tables. When I walk into the other room, the first thing I can see is a large washbasin and a privy in behind a screen. I had thought these people to be barbarians; never did I imagine them to wash!
    I must prepare for dinner. But what is appropriate attire in this kingdom? From what little I have seen of the castle, I must conclude that my gowns are no longer suitable. Someone is at the door, I suppose I must answer.

    ****|*** 9 hours after Midday

    It was Hazel at the door, carrying a long box and trailing a few servants laden with sewing baskets. She solved my gown problem for me quite nicely. I am now wearing the latest in Zarthe fashion. The over gown is made of rich green silk that matches my eyes, while the under gown is a darker green. The embroidery is cream-colored flowers, that cover my neck and arms, with vines and blossoms on the sash and hem.
    The buttons were somewhat confusing at first, but I got the hang of them quickly. (In the Fairy Kingdom, it was fashionable to use ties, like the ones on the Zarthe corsets, to allow room for the wings if one wished to use them.) I then proceeded to braid my hair with green silk ribbons intertwined in the plait. The braid was twisted up at the back of my head, to be secured with a hair net and veil, adorned with emeralds. Emerald eardrops with miniature dangling pearls were the finishing touch.
    When I was dressed Hazel led me to the dining hall. Inside, seated at the long table, were Prince Hickory and an assorted group of nobles. I forgot the noble's names in the flurry of curtseys and bows, ending up seated between Prince Hickory and Princess Hazel. The food was foreign, but palatable. Talking was nearly impossible, for nearly all talk was about the year's crops and trade, with the occasional mention of war. I had to find solace in Hazel's talk of gowns, though I still felt out of place. After an hour or so, a wandering bard was called into the hall and everyone waited in anticipation for the performance. This part of the evening was no better for me, as the stories were entirely about the Zarthe.
    Finally I was able to excuse myself without appearing rude, and wandered back to my rooms. Even though I have rested for a good part of the day, I am weary now, and so shall go to bed. My first day of a new beginning ends, it is time to prepare for tomorrow.

    Lady Dahlia of Cloud Court, Fairy Kingdom
    And Moss Court, Zarthe Kingdom
    2 hours after Newday on the 5th Starsday of 7
    1st week of Bloom Month
    Under the reign of
    King Callisto and Queen Glaxia of Fairy Kingdom
    And Prince Hickory of Zarthe Kingdom

    My hand is already cramped just from writing out the heading of today's journal entry, but as I am part Fairy, part Zarthe it is necessary.
    This morning I found another pink dahlia flower on my pillow. The servants must have left it there when they rekindled the fire. I wonder who sent it? Hazel would have given it to me, not had the servants bring it. Hickory? No, he has barely even said two words to me. There is no one else I know in this dirt-and-stone place. It is good to have a mystery to occupy my mind, and the flower is beautiful.

    *****|** 1 hour after Midday

    Hazel took me on a tour of the castle grounds and trails. We went on horseback, and it was the most uncomfortable thing I have ever done! I learned the basics of riding when I was too young to fly, but that was on a winged horse. This bumpy walk was just not natural, though it made Hazel laugh hysterically whenever I slid off. I will have to get used to not having the horses wing joints to keep me on.
    The tour was quite nice once I could finally stay on my mount. We went by fields of flowers, and through woods filled with animals. Some of the creatures I knew of, but there was one who chattered at me when I rode under its tree. The scolding voice nearly scared me off my horse again, until Hazel told me it was just a harmless squirrel. I retorted that any creature that chattered at people who simply went by did not seem harmless to me.
    Later I felt bad for being so sharp with Hazel, but I was too embarrassed to apologize. I think she knew I only said it out of fear, because she just smiled and pointed out a pretty tree.
    Our ride took all morning. All of the falling off of my horse has gotten me very dirty, I should have a wash before the midday meal. I also need a new gown, as mine is no longer green.

    *****|** 5 hours after Midday

    Hazel came back to my rooms after I had washed, and took me to the market. There were so many colors! First we went to the bakers for a midday meal of coarse bread with chopped fruit pieces and honey. Next we ventured into the seamstress's shop. I ended up with a new wardrobe when Hazel and the shopkeeper were through dressing me.
    I have met so many different people today, it is a wonder my head has not burst. It is my hope that I will see them again soon. I would like some friends, though Hazel will most likely be my closest and dearest.
    I have just recently discovered the royal library. This may be my new refuge. I would also like to look into Zarthe history. The Zarthe-Flame wars are of particular interest to me. The Flame and the Zarthe have been warring for thousands of years. Since I now live with the Zarthe, it makes sense to know of the current politics.

    *****|** 11 hours after Midday

    Hazel found me in the genealogy section, reading about my Zarthe family history. My mother was born the only girl of seven children; she was also the least mentioned. Her six brothers, my uncles, fought and died in the king's army. My mother was a lowborn noble of little rank, who died shortly after my birth. My grandparents both died when I was a young child, and there is not a single relative of mine left in this realm.
    It only took Hazel a look at the page I stopped on, and another look at my face, to see that I was in need of friendship. She gave me a comforting hug, then led me to the royal seamstress. Hazel left me there to be stuck with pins, waving cheerfully and telling me that I would soon be very happy.
    By the time Hazel came back, the pins were gone and I was wearing the most beautiful gown I had ever seen. The cream colored silk fit my body perfectly, hugging my curves and then flaring out from the hips, to pool around my feet like a white lake. Swirls of mint green fabric were sewn into the pleats in shining rows. The bodice was adorned with thousands of miniature emeralds; shimmering cream ties came out of the front to wrap around my neck in gentle loops.
    Hazel helped me to twist my hair into a complicated crown of braids and twists using emerald studded hairpins, then arranged some wispy curls around my face. My lips were painted deep rouge, and a smoky green powder was applied to my eyelids. Fairy dust dazzles on my chest and shoulders, tonight I feel like a princess.
    The real princess looks beautiful too. She wore a coral pink gown with layers of silk and gauze. Her hair was let free to hang down her back in shining chestnut waves.
    Together we walked to the ballroom, where laughter and music spilled out to coat the corridor in glowing happiness. As soon as we glide into the room (how can one not glide when wearing so much silk), Hazel was torn from me by one young man after another. Surprisingly enough I was soon swept into the crowd of dancers as well. The only difference between Zarthe dancing and Fairy dancing is that the Zarthe do not dance in the air. With nobleman after nobleman Hazel and I twirled across the floor, not even stopping for a rest.
    I tried not to notice the crowds of ladies hovering by Hickory, but it seemed he had no interest in dancing. After a while one group of ladies would walk away sulking, to be replaced by another pack of giggling women.
    By the time I stopped dancing I was no longer fair skinned, but a blushing pink and panting for breath. Hazel was still going strong; she is easily the best dancer of all. After sitting on the sidelines for a while, it became difficult to keep my eyes open.
    I walked back to my rooms. My writing is done, and yawns are overcoming me. More tomorrow.