• There are legends saying that hundreds of years ago, humans were not the dominant species on this earth – in fact, they were amongst the lower species, considered to be little more than super-intelligent apes. Sure they could talk, they could build houses and roads, but it wasn't enough. There was one single factor that separated them from everyone else – they did not know how to use magic. Elves, fairies, dragons, even the evil demons all knew magic in various forms but humans didn't. They were just uncultured animals.

    Nobody knows who gave the humans the gift of magic. It was probably the elves or the fairies, the dragons and demons were too proud. They hardly mingled outside their own races. It took only a few short years for the humans to master magic and this began the rapid downfall of the other species. As the humans spread the world around them changed. Technology was developed faster than ever before. Human towns became larger, and other species were forced to move away. Elves and fairies valued peace and left without fighting, the demons and dragons on the other hand sometimes caused some problems. Stories such as Saint George and the Dragon hold more truth than the modern day human may wish to believe.

    Regardless, all four of the ancient races were soon forced into hiding. Now in the 21st century history has been rewritten, and these races are now nothing but fables - but they are closer than you might think. Your next door neighbour could very well be a fairy or dragon. You thought your teacher was mean? Perhaps she's actually a demon. Magic is still around us every single day, and you don't even know it – over the years it has changed name. It runs your car, it powers your television, you use it to call your friend in France, and it took Apollo 11 to the moon. Everything that was once magical and extraordinary is now mundane and boring.