Respect is something that is forced down our throats at a young age so much we are regurgitating it back up. However, respect will get us further in life then anything. You know those rock hard, plastered to your sides, no matter how hard you blow I won't come out bugers in your nose and you just have to get rid of it? And what's worse, you can't turn your nose inside out to pick at it? I had one of those on the lightrail, and the woman across from me had demanded that I stop picking my nose. She didn't ask me to, but just simply demanded it. I'm the person where if you don't show me respect, why the hell should I show your a** any? My responce to her is that she can look off to the outside if she don't want to watch me get too hard to blow out bugers from my nose and what happens? An arguement. My brother was jumped on the light rail on his way to work. The guy was trying to mug him of a hand held system that belongs to me. He refused to give it up and gotten the crap beaten out of him. My brother has a history of being very violent, so when I heard about this I thought the guy who had beaten him up was scuffed up himself. Nope. He didn't do anything. Only one other person, out of 20 EYE WITNESSES did help him by letting the conductor of the train what's going on. Respect to my brother for not fighting back. ABSOLUTLY NONE FOR THOSE WHO JUST SAT BY AND PRETENDED THAT NOTHING WAS HAPPENING! Only because they were too perfect or too scared to do something about it! Respect was given to my brother threw ONE guy... Just one out of the 20 people that were there. I happen to be allergic to the alchohol found in parfumes and calognes. My allergic reaction is very deadly. If I inhale it, my wind tube starts to swell shut. Riding in enclosed aread is my death trap. Two days in a row I had received two diffrent responces to respect. I was on before either one of them. They both sat across from me. I had asked them nicely to move to a diffrent seat for I am deathly allergic to the alchohol in their parfume. One was kind enough to move to the front of the car, I was in the back both times, with an appology from her. Respect at it's best. The other went and threw a huge fit about it, and demanded that I was to move for 'she' was sitting across from me first. I may have been on my lap top, but I know that I can still see around it as well, and know that she was wearing way too much parfume. I had another inccodent where some kids found out and thought it would be funny to spray calonge in my face. I was lucky that I caught my breath before they sprayed, and punched the kid in the eye for doing so. His buddies jumped back for not expecting that reaction as he stumbled into a trash can. They all thought I was crazy after that and told me so. I told them to have more respect then just running up and spraying people with their crap. So, if you give respect, hope that you receive it. You can take it over from there. More respect given, and more respect taken. The less given, the less taken. If you make a mistake, remember that appologizing is a form of respect. All your manners are.
FoxyGrimReapess · Fri Jun 23, 2006 @ 07:29am · 0 Comments |