My profile has gotten more and more signature animals on there then anyone else's who've I've seen. It's a hobby of mine to collect things. Since I'm in the art buisness, I like to 'borrow' some images, or points, and use them in my own work. I will NEVER take the entire image, recolor and rename it just to claim it as my own. That's wrong and dirty. I do still give full credit where it's deserved.
People plagorize all the time. Thanks to the internet, you can get away with it... almost. What's the point of putting your report on the internet for someone else to copy and claim as their own? It never made sence to me before, it won't ever. Just one of those things that really shouldn't be there. Like Pigons and putting down wild animals for attacking a human. Can someone help me?
PS, if your going to start a signature 'breedable' please contact me on getting some ideas. I wish mine was still up...
FoxyGrimReapess · Mon Apr 09, 2007 @ 09:35am · 0 Comments |