Alright, I'm no longer Haitiusing my journal. I have moved in with an old school mate of mine as well as his now ex. She wanted me to be with them in their relationship. I was fine with it as long as he was. During the months time, I've never heard someone make such a huge fuss over the smallest of things. She would complain that I was cheating on her threw rp's and even deleated a friends contact information on my buddy list for the instant messaging. It was wrong of her to do that, and even more so to tell me that she don't ever want me to talk with him again. My responce was simple. I readded him back to my messanger, and continued talking with him. This girl, yes girl since her releive of any problem is threw violence, threats or tears, not only wanted to be with me, but never opened up to me when we tried to have time to ourselves. When we wake up, the first thing that happens is she gets onto her computer. She won't say anything to me in the morning, but expects me to tell her good bye as his mom is taking me to the light rail station for school or work? Yeah... real smooth. Her problem is that she is a control freak. I told her that she reminded me of my father, and her responce was "That's not true, for I won't ever to insest." One little detail won't tell me anything else. To deal with this kind of person is to let them know. Apparently she didn't get the message because we've been having fun without her around trying to dominate everyone. Anyways. Control freaks are a big pet peeve of mine, and it's something that happens without either end knowing. How you can tell that there's a control freak about is if there is a threat given. Commen ones are; I'm going to kill you/baby/family/friend/pet if you don't do what I say, Fine get out if you don't like it, I'm going to smack/beat/hit you/baby/family/friend/pet. If they demand that you leave, pack up some things and do so. Put out a warning about the person who's a control freak so that they are aware. Another thing you can do if a threat is involved is to call the cops. If they threaten to beat/kill you or anyone your close to, do so anyways. They will be arrested for endangerment of spouse/animal. Never be scared to not tell someone about what's going on if you can't call the cops, because they can and will. If you don't wish to be found out, remain anonymous about your identity, for you have the right to remain as so. If for any reason you don't feel safe in your home, get out and get to a friends. Take your children with you so that there is no threat of their endangerment.
Until next time, keep reading Two Strips for your 411 Help Me spot.
FoxyGrimReapess · Thu Aug 17, 2006 @ 12:04pm · 0 Comments |