The blood flows from me, the action was caused by them. |
People have a 'hard life'. Either they be orphans or mentally challenged, or abused. One thing tends to make people close is that they all will carry the thought in one point or another. Suicide. Just because you've never wanted to do so before, don't mean that you've never had to delt with it. People want to know why other's think about this? What would bring humans down so low that death is the way out?
Let's look at our schools. I remember going to school in elementary days, and never thought about ending my life. But I never had any friends in elementary. I'm not talking about the kind of friends that are hard to keep, I'm talking about someone to just play games with, talk with. Share stories with. Nope. I didn't have any friends for the fact that I was the butt end to every joke and prank that was thrown. Yeah, some of you are laughing, remembering those days. Some of you are still doing this kind of stuff, but I'm telling you that this is one of the biggest reasons kids at a VERY young age think about killing themselve. "So? It's not my fault that they want to end their lives. Let them." Is what I hear, but what I see are the one's who's lives really should end are the ones doing the teasing. Because it IS your fault. YOU drove them to that point, no one else did but you. Still don't feel that stab of guilt? How about if you were in their place instead? Have your friends tease you because of your hair is too short, or because your have only one parent. MAKE THEM TEASE YOU! Or are you too scared of being alone? To not have friends and be at the receiving end of every joke and prank known? Well?
Another thing that would cause people to want to kill themselves is because of they feel unloved. This is another childhood effect. Parents who either abuse or yell at their children for when they are bad, but no praise for when they are good would feel that they should do one of two things. Become more distructive, or kill themselves. Because either one would give them some sort of attention. Yeah, laugh now, but you just get into that situation. Where you feel that NO ONE loves you. Now who's laughing? Not you, because your too upset, not hesitating anymore with the gun in your hand, pointing at the back of your throat. You just need to pull the trigger. Then it's all over.
Peer pressure. Drugs is another attempt at suicide. Laugh now, but think of it. People who die because of over dousage. Not just what's perscribed, but what is all out there. Pot, crank, meth, cigaretts. They can all be attemps of suicide as well. And don't think it's not possible with those of you who 'Knows' what the hell they are doing. You know s**t. Maybe that's why your reading this now to see how much you really know, then to turn around laughing saying that can't happen to you. Guess what, a**, it can and it will. Not now, but it will.
For adults, bills and bill collectors tends to be a big one. They all want is your money. You owe so much of it it's sad. Just killing yourself and leave it to your family to take care of. It's not a nice or an easy thing for your family to go threw. They love you, and can help you if you ask. Just open up and ask them. I sure they can't say no. Not every single one of them.
People, I've posted this up because five years ago, in the month of August, my uncle killed himself. He died alone, and his body was found two weeks after he did so. There was no signs that his family could detect or can think of to make him want to do such a thing. I don't remember him that well, but I still cried for him. For the sadness that he held in his heart when he pulled that trigger to end it all. But I do know that it was because of someone else that he killed himself. All suicides start with another person. And in my opinion, the person who put them in that point should have the most guilt, and arrested for a successful murder. Don't like it? Don't drive other's to that point. Your still just as guilty.
FoxyGrimReapess · Sun Sep 10, 2006 @ 07:56am · 2 Comments |