Everyone know's the phrase, or close to it, but why is it that bad stuff happens to good people? Is it Karma? Revenge? Past life punishment? It could be. It could be that when people notice something it tends to be the bad things and almost never the good.
Karma balances out things that happens, not try to avenge you for something that whatstheirface did so many years ago. If you have had a lot of bad things happen to you lately, then you might have had some good things happened already, or going to happen. If they are going to happen, people just have to be paicent, which almost never exists anymore.
In today's society, paicent people can wait no longer then a few days for the result of something. That's only the majority of the people. Some have less to none while others can wait for as long as they wish. The more paicent you are, the more things that tend to happens that is balanced. The less paicent, the more bad will show up, and the longer the good will take.
If you wish for good things to happen to you, be very paicent, and it will happen. I don't mean a month of paicents either. If anyone can beat my record, then you are bound to great things as well as equally negatives. And my record happens to be 9 years, still going.
FoxyGrimReapess · Sat May 20, 2006 @ 09:02am · 2 Comments |