Have you ever wonder if the government is controlling our lives? It's true to a certain extent. Right now the only thing free in America is the Internet, but they want to control what goes onto the net these days. They can try, but if everyone got together and found out what the American Government is doing behind their little exploits, then they can be easily controlled, like they have done so since Bush came into power. Really, idiots are the only ones who get's power these days. What happened to the past, where the presedent did more then just give speaches and declair war, and trying to colonize in other nations of the world? Pretty soon, they would be wanting to control the moon and the solar system. I belive that the American Government needs to stop with all the controls and just let it be. No matter what they do, there is bound to be few people out there that know's what the 'matrix' really is and what's 'real'.
FoxyGrimReapess · Wed Apr 05, 2006 @ 07:35pm · 0 Comments |