Well today was kind of weird. I just got back from a bike ride with my friend when my dad was watching old home movies he made when I was like 5 or 4…wait, carry the nine…+6…1996, or 97?...Anyway the weird thing was the video had my cousin Ashley in it. Ever since Ashley died last year (I had not seen her for like two years before she died) I have begun to forget what she looked like, and that sucked. Her and I were like brother and sister, minus the fighting. We had this thing going where if we were out anywhere, if some jerk was hitting on her (she is 6 years older than me) I would go up to her and say “hey mom, I’m hungry” and at the sound of “hey mom” the guys would leave. Anyway the point is it sucks when you start to lose the memory of someone’s face, especially when they are gone and you have no chance to see there face again. I have thought about it before, about how I cant really remember what she looked like, but I always tried to ignore it because it sucks. I don’t even really know why I was forgetting in the first place. I can remember my fourth grade teacher like I just met him. It sucks.
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