• The moonlight seemed to cast an eerie glow over the valley, my eyes could see just fine in the dim lit night. The city’s lights were the only pulsating light that could be seen in the far distance. Seeing those lights made my hunger grow in the pit of my stomach. The ache seems to creep up my body and catches in my throat; the dry painful hunger seems to drive my mind into a frenzy.

    But, there was nothing that I could do; there was nothing out here except the few cries from the night animals and I need more than just a fluffy bunny…I need the warmth and satisfaction that only comes from human blood. With every step I got closer and closer to the big city lights and the hunger also grew with each stride; I had to stop for a moment and try to let the wave of pain pass. “I am almost there, control yourself Vince you can do this.”

    My mind keeps playing the message over and over again to try and command my body to keep walking. I suddenly stop, lifting up my head to the sky my ears begin to pound. I could not believe what I was hearing..It is a car and it is getting closer to me, maybe this is just the thing I need so I could stop the hunger that was throbbing in my head.

    So, I swiftly make my way out of the woods back onto the old dirt road that I had been following. I look both ways, my ears start to pound into a rhythm like a heartbeat. I put my hands over my ears trying to block it out, I need to stay focus or this was not going to work.

    Then I saw it, in the vastness of the surrounding trees the glow of head lights approaching. I try to compose myself as much as I could but, most of my clothes were dampen and dirty from walking the in forest for many nights. My dirty blonde facial hair had grown out and I was looking very scruffy at this point. There was nothing I could do right now I just hope that my charm would be enough to get the job done.

    The beams of light starts to get brighter as the car makes an approach in my direction. “Try to look more human,” I yelled at myself or this is never going to work. As the car gets closer and closer to me I could see its speed was slowing down. The light was now right in my view and blinding me.

    I pulled my hand up to my forehead to shield the light from my golden brown eyes. As the car slows down to a stop just a few feet in front of me I hear a soft voice coming from the car, “ hey there umm…do you happen to know if I can get to the city from this road?’ Keeping my hand over my eyes I move slowly towards the car, my hunger begins to rage deep inside of me.

    I opened my mouth looking for the right words to say, but the hunger seemed to take control over my body and I fall to my knees. My whole body seems to go into a fit of spasm and I could no longer control it.

    I hear the sound of a car door opening up.

    The crunch of footstep running towards me.

    I could smell her before she got to me and her scent intoxicated me.

    “Oh my, are you okay you look like you have been out here for a long time. Can you try and get up I am alone and I don’t think I can pick you up by myself.”

    I Look up at her, the car beams seem to illuminate her whole body. she is a very attractive human, she almost has an angelic glow to her face..Her face was breath taken I want to reach up and touch her face to feel the warmth of it.

    My body had other things in mind.

    The piercing pain rolling over me again, a yell escapes my lips.

    The woman jumps back in fear, covering her hand over her mouth she was shiver was fright. “ What can I do to help you, please tell me. Darn this phone there is no service out here. I don’t know what to do.”

    I open my eyes, I could feel the heat rising again in my being I try once again to speak, “ Please…pleas…please com..come…come here…help m…mmee.” She bends back down and wraps her arms around me to try and help me sit up. Her hair brushes across my face her neck expose to my mouth….

    There was nothing I could do to stop myself the rage explodes out of me and in one quick movement I wrap my arm around her body, cradling her, her neck right next to my lips. I could feel her heart begin to beat in a heavy rhythm. My breath hot against her cold neck, seems to make her paralyzed..

    “Please…don’t hurt me please,” her voice is weak and shaking from terror; I raise my lips to her ear, I whisper softly, “ I promise, you will feel nothing after this, no more pain no more anything.” My teeth sink deep into her throat a low moan discharges from her mouth, soon I feel her body become heavier with every sip.

    Then there was nothing left.

    Blood was running, dripping down my face the hunger was now gone my body felt like a live wire. I turn her head to the side, I gaze into her eyes for a moment. She served her purpose she gave me life for another day; there would be a different one tomorrow.

    I stand up and take my shirt off that was no covered in her life force, I wrap it around her picking her up, I make my way back into the forest and I leave her there. The night creatures will cover up my trail by morning there will be nothing left to even find. I did not feel sorry for her at all, my human emotions had been taking away from me long ago. All that I knew now is if I did not fed I would die and I still was not ready to die even after all these years of living like this. A life of any kind is better than death.

    I follow the lights back out of the woods; I could hear the car engine purring, getting into the car I quickly take a look around to see if there was anything I could put on. I find a grey sweatshirt in the back seat and put it on. I take the car out of park and I begin to make my way again towards the city, it will be morning soon and I needed to find a place to stay for the day.