• Rain Fall

    “Are you sure?”
    “Ok then.”
    They looked up at the sky. It was a humid August day with the sun winking down at them in the early morning. There wasn’t a cloud in sight, yet the TV told them it there was a storm on the way. “Maybe he was lying.”
    “No Way! Weather men do not lie.” But that didn’t convince either of them. It hasn’t rained the whole year not including the years before that and by the time August came around the corner everything dried up & died. This storm meant the end of the dry season. But as the morning turned to afternoon and the heat became so intense that the two kids couldn’t stay out for much longer, it was starting to get a little harder to believe that it will ever rain again. “You still think that goof was telling the truth?”
    “Ok. I see your point. Let’s go in and…..” something wet fell from the sky. They both looked up to see large grey clouds covering the sun making it impossible to see the blue sky. At first the clouds wept silently then it started pouring down as if held it in the whole year until today to let out. They were staring up at the sky in amazement wondering how come they haven’t noticed their shadows being turned in gloom. Well now they notice and now they put their heads down to protect their eyes from the heavens tears. Then, coming out of the blue (well in this case grey), came laughter from one of the two children. It was so weird to hear that laughing that the other joined in and soon both of them were on the slippery, stony ground trying to catch their breaths. “You were right! Weather men don’t lie!”
    “Aren’t I always right?!”
    They went laughing in the rain, cupping their hands to catch the water and drink it (just to see if it was real or not). They splashed in all the puddles getting soaked from head to toe. They danced around singing:
    Rain Rain come & stay
    Come and stay so we can play.
    When they were about to climb the droopy Weeping Willow to get a better view of the clouds, the door of the house opened and a short stumpy woman appeared. “You two better get inside. You’ll catch your depts.”
    Once inside, the two children huddled in blankets, staring out the window. The woman came up handing each of them steaming coco.
    “Does this mean the dry season is over?”
    The woman placed her hands on both shoulders. “Yes it does. And life will start appearing all over.
    And the stumpy woman was right. After the storm the grass was greener, the trees stood up straight, and the animals came out more. Yes, life looked much better then it ever did.


    By: Lexi