• Wednesday, June 1st, 2011

    It has started. My worst possible nightmares coming to life, just as the walking corpses do. A zombie apocalypse has begun. I’m terrified. I’m shaking. And constantly mourning. It was a normal day. Partly cloudy. All we were doing was eating Mom’s cooking. Why did it have to turn so horrid? They got Mom and Dad. Dad tried to stop them with his gun, but there were tons. He couldn't get them off of Mom. Aaron would’ve escaped, if it weren't for his stupid fiancée, Lily. She didn't even try to run away. I hated her. She forced Aaron to save her. She’s the reason he’s dead. I can still hear the screaming. Every single one of them. Throats ripped out. Flesh pulled off. Blood staining the floor. It was gross. Sickening. I've thrown up three times already just remembering it. They even got Rover. Why would they go after him? He was such a good dog. I escaped with Sara. She’s crying behind me as I write. I’m not crying. I have no more tears to shed. I wish I could cry. This alleyway reeks of 2 month old garbage and stale cigarette smoke. It’s making me nauseous.

    Fourth time.

    Sara’s current state eats at my heart. Tears are flowing down her cheeks like rivers, but no sound escapes her gaping mouth. She has bruises all over her body, along with the cuts and scrapes of falling. It kills me. Even if I'm already dead. The zombies are coming closer. I can hear their stupid moans. We have no place to run to. Guess we're just going to have to play this one by ear.