• I, Phillip Henderson, writer and reporter for the local paper and close friends with the most interesting and unbelievable people in the world, have taken the liberty to write this story about the most unlikely group of friends I'd ever met in my life.
    It all started when my best friend Jason Zahn, a profound lover of Martial Arts, and I traveled to Europe to participate in a world-class Karate Tournament.
    That was where we all met.
    Jason Zahn, blind and newly pronounced as the Karate World Champion, David Rendol, blind and mysterious 3rd year high school student who was said to be a secret government agent and a Europe's youngest billionaire, and Christopher Gredian, the world's favorite blind pianist.
    I, being the only person who was sighted and didn't have a clue as to what was going on, tagged along with the blind band's joyride to find out what was going on and ended up tangled in a mess with three very different, very amusing, and very fascinating men that I had no idea how to act accordingly towards.
    Of course, you would be too if you had been lugged half way around the world with no idea that you would be in for the most terrifying, scary, and joyous time of your life.
    I'm getting head; you probably don't know half of what I'm saying.
    I guess I'll start from the beginning; how about I talk about the one who began dragging us all around the world.
    I'll give you a hint: He is the only person who could afford to have four private jets, three helicopters, twenty guards, and a butt-kicking butler named Quinton.

    David Rendol. Not a person easily described. In truth, I'd compare him more closely to that Artemis Fowl fellow, though without the magic and insanity thing, though I don't know a whole lot about his mental state. Great guy, takes care of his kid brother and has really great friends, but he's not the most approachable person in a crowd.
    His past, I think, would be the most mysterious of the three of them. He is the most hidden in secrets and shadows, and the scary thing is, I think he likes it that way. He spent three years covering up what really happened the day of the crash that killed his parents. That says a lot.