• They saw girls named flower will die slowly and wither to dust but only after being plucked.
    This is sometimes now true; maybe the girl is delicate as the flower. But maybe she doesn’t need to be plucked; maybe she is a wild flower.
    Maybe she is flower that is not plucked by the wind; not by a human or animal’s paw, hand, and claw, etc. What if the moon made her bloom and not the sun?
    Maybe a girl named Kareena could prove us wrong, maybe she would wither while taking life away and never wilting to dust and to perfection?

    Somewhere Between life and death.
    A woman walked through the sands, falling and slipping through the dunes of sand. Her black hair lit with gold flecks of sand, sparkling green eyes that glowed through the dark; nose was sharp and hooked but it gave her unique beauty, her eyes the perfect shape of a Indian princess. But her skin was the color of the moon, something not even normal in the world she lived in. Yet she struggled on into the sand, with the cause of her death anyway. Why? Why would she walk with her death in this blinding dust storm, this rage from the gods?
    Finally after hours of stumbling she finally collapsed. No one was there to see her die or hear her last words. Just what if she didn’t want anyone to hear her last words? So many questions yet so many pages to answer them, this story just wants to tell it all doesn’t it?
    “Kareena, I hope you live and wilt away slowly for feasting on my life. May your life be trouble and may you be an outsider like I am today. For you are very special...very...special” The woman said as she collapsed and the bundle she was carrying rolled down the hill crying with sadness. Yet that little innocent bundle drained the life out of the woman, and yet was still very special.
    5 Years to Happiness

    Kareena laughed and giggled as she sped right past her house since she was being chased by her adoptive grandpa.
    “You can’t catch me!!” She giggled, her black and gold hair swung in the air as she pitter patted through the sand. Ever since she rolled onto the sand dunes she was born to run on them, but she was a very fast learner. Grandpa was right behind her running fast as a cheetah on a hunting trip. Even being called Grandpa did not change the fact that he was over 60 and yet he looked and felt young as a 25 year old. His hair was the color of a cloud on a blue sky morning; his eyes the most beautiful of all colors mixed together the color hazel. Also his skin was a natural tan.
    “Oh yes I will!! Get back here!” Grandpa yelled, his name was really Yamir but Kareena always called him grandpa. He tackled Kareena and blew raspberries into her time stomach. Which Kareena laughed so hard her pale face turned red as a tomato. Yamir was her caretaker ever since he found her in the sand, the first words she heard from him were.

    “You’re a dirty child…I’ll clean you up.” Yamir had laughed when he brushed away the sand from her tiny puffy face. If he had not found her she would have been consumed by the sand. Her aqua green eyes squinted at him when he held her in his arms when she was just a new born. Everyone thought she was cursed since she was so pale, but now she was beautiful to most people yet they were scared of her. Kareena never had any friends except for Yamir.

    The old women of the village grunted in disapproval. They all wore bundles of cloth and dresses or all different colors. Their ages ranged from 68 to 51.
    “Maybe if she if was darker she wouldn’t be so scary. “ The first one said and shook her head. The others nodded in approval.
    “Before she came here everything was normal, Yamir was to marry Amla but he called it off soon as he found that pale child.” The youngest of them all said and nodded towards a young woman with long flowing dark brown hair and hazel eyes who was staring at Yamir.

    “I pity her, being denied by a man who has lived for 60 years and doesn’t look or feel old at all. That is above embarrassing. Disgrace to her family.” They all grunted and starting to sew a new dresses to sell in the market place. Even though everyone almost disapproved of the girl, Amla loved Kareena as if she was her own child. But she prayed every day that Yamir would marry her so she could bring pride to her family again.

    “Grandpa can we go eat?” Kareena asked since her stomach rumbled. Yamir was trying to get her to get use to not eating from time to time since soon they would have to travel to the city for her marriage when she got older. But Karenna just didn’t put up with that, she wanted food every single minute.
    “Sure, sure after we get home. Then you can play with Amla and her sisters.” Yamir said and then picked up Kareena and carried her on his back on the way home. Who knew such a tiny girl would be such a big problem after her 14 year.