• Her heels clicked against the kitchen tile as she paced back and fourth, her eyes glancing between the clock and her cell phone every few seconds. Unable to sit still, or have one quiet thought. Her breathing was heavy and she hadn't felt grounded in hours. From the bathroom, she heard the voice of her best friend and room mate. "Quit acting like a freak Alexandra!" this made her smile slightly. Waiting had never been something she was good at. She had been waiting for months, and today was the day. What seemed like a century passed before "Goodbye Horses" started playing from her cell phone on the counter next to her. A quick glance confirmed her fear and she felt panic wash over her. "It's him!" she cried out, staring at the phone still placed neatly on the counter top. "Answer it, Allie." Emily sighed as she came from the bathroom and grabbed Allie's cell phone. She pressed the talk button and shoved it against Allie's ear. From the other line she heard a male voice "Hey, I think I'm almost there.. could you come outside so I know for sure where I'm going?"

    "Yeah, sure, no problem. I'm so nervous" she admitted to him as she took the phone from Emily's hand and held it up with her own. She walked slowly to the front door which was already propped open and pushed the screen open. "What are you driving? Can you see me?" she asked. Her eyes darting to every car as it passed her apartment building. "Not yet, come closer to the road if you can." he responded. Alex walked to the edge of the road by her mailbox and waited for a respond from the man. "Oh, hey, I see you." he said. "Where should I park?"

    "The side road is fine." her heart pounded harder and harder and finally she saw him. "I see you" she almost gasped. She ran to her front door, threw it open and stood in the corner of the room, her ear still to the phone. "i'm so scared... I'm serious. I just ran.." she laughed a bit to the man on the phone. He laughed as well, and shut his car door. "i'm coming up to the house. It's okay." he said, and hung up the phone. Emily watched her best friend from the couch with her hand in a bag of chips. "Did you seriously just run from your date?"