• Chapter 1: The Legend Becomes Real

    A thousand years ago... it was a time, when sinners ruled over everything. A time when regular people, had no rights, no say
    in anything, and no free will of their own. A time, I faintly remember, as the "Destruction Age." Why is it called that?
    Simply put, because the death sentence was often what people got, even if they simply did not attend the state Church.
    Buildings were demolished if they were considered "Unholy." Their version of "unholy" was this: If you have no money,
    your unholy. If you don't have the same religion as them, your unholy etc. etc. Fortunately for everyone, they died out a
    very long time ago. And yet, why do I have dreams from way back then? Why is it, that I feel like I was there? None of this
    made any sense to me at that time, but my life would never be the same again... not after that.

    "I had another of those dreams again... I don't understand what's happening anymore." I said to my psychiatrist. "It's most
    likely a form of stress. You simply need to take some time off your studies.. I'm sure everything will be fine afterwords."
    She replied. I thought about, and decided that it WAS possible... maybe I SHOULD take a break from everything... I needed a
    break. "Maybe you're right... thank you for your advice" "Anytime you need me, you know where I'll be" She smiled. I shook
    her hand, and then left the tight spaced room. 'I don't need a psychiatrist... I'm not insane...' I thought to myself as I
    walked down the narrow hallway. 'I'm just... maybe, at the very least, a bit unstable. But that's it! That's all.' But I knew
    the truth as to why I needed a phyciotrist... my mother knew, my father knew, and even my grandmother knew. No, I wasn't
    insane. And I wasn't unstable. I was just starting to believe I was. As I was almost at the end of the hall, about to open
    the door, I was suddenly pushed to the floor by someone in way too much of a hurry... "Hey, what gives!?" I yelled at the
    person who had knocked me down. They didn't reply, the simply rushed out of the door quicker. "Hmph. Whatever." I sighed.
    As I was about to stand, a hand reached down, and a soft, and kind voice told me to take it. So, I did, And, when I did,
    I helped off my butt, and onto my feet... by a familiar face. She had a different voice, a different hairstyle, different
    clothes... but her face was the exact same as the person in my dreams! I stared at her face, for I don't know how long...
    long enough for her to ask was I really "Okay?." I replied simply with... "Ah, uhm, I good. Very good." She laughed. I was
    embarresed. After that, someone came and asked for her to come there... must have been her boss. I was stunned... the person
    from my dreams was just in-front of me... maybe... just maybe, that meant the rest was true as-well. I had to find out,
    anyway possible. But, I didn't know which direction they had gone in... or more importantly, exactly WHERE they were. So,
    instead, I left the building. I ran out of the door, while all the memories from those dreams, seemed to overflow my head,
    the one's with that women in it... and I knew... somehow, that she really was the girl... the girl from my past. But, I
    wouldn't believe that these were past memories... because, no human, can live for over a thousand years...
    I stood by the side of the brick building. I was panting, hard. Dad pulled the car up, after about thirty or so minutes, I
    guess... He didn't seem to notice me, so he honked the car. I flinched. I looked over the side of the wall, and noticed it
    was dad... why was I so nervous? Anyway, so walked over to the car, right? Wrong... try running, grabbing the door handle,
    and yanking it, and sliding myself in as fast as possible. My dad was shocked... he asked me what was wrong, but I said
    nothing. So, we went the rest of the way home in silence. It took about twenty minutes, dad said, to get us home. I was
    really surprised. It hadn't seemed like it was so long. Maybe it was because I was trying to figure out just what it meant
    that I had found the same person in my dreams... did this mean that all the other people from my dreams were real, as-well?
    Or, did it mean that it was a coincidence? While al sorts of ideas were swarming around in my head, the next thing I knew,
    the car had stopped, and dad was telling me to get out. I still didn't feel safe. But I felt protected, and comfortable, in
    the company of that old house. That didn't last long, though. As I got out of the car, I felt as though I was being watched,
    by something out of this world.