• "Mom! Mom! Come back! Mommy!!" I yelled and yelled over again even though I knew she would never come back. I yelled until I finally lost voice, and hope. When my dad finally put his hand on my shoulder. "She won't be coming back." He spat. I felt so little in the world now. It was so dark. It was as if, everything was crumbling right in front of my eyes.

    -February 9, 2011.
    It's been years, but nothing has changed. By now I would've been looking out at the moon from my window, praying that god would somehow hear me and bring my mom back. After a while, I stopped. It was stupid, I prayed for 2 years straight but everyday it was the same situation. She never came back. She never looked out into the same moon and thought about how much she missed me.

    -July 24, 2011.
    I hate this house and everything in it. Everyone in it. I jumped out the window onto the grass, scraping my knee a bit. "Why so late out?" A dark figure said with his arms crossed. "Who are you." I said demanding an answer.