• I woke to the sound of Sammy looking over me, "Woah" I said with a gasp sitting up. You scared the living daylights out of me. She didn't say anything she just made a gesture for me to move over. I waited for her to fall asleep but, when I reliezed that she wasn't I asked " whats wrong?" She held back a sob and said in a teary voice I miss them... I miss my big brothers I miss Sam and Dean and Dad. I boosted my self up with my elbow and looked over at her, Her deep green eyes were just like thiers... just like Dads...Sam... and Deans. Then in a panic in distress she said " When is this nightmare ever going to end?" I tryed hard not to say anything to dramatic or horrifying, but, I needed to some how I had to think of the right way to say, I'm sorry that they are dead... I'm sorry that now we have to hunt what they had to... I'm sorry for all the Demons and Ghosts and Angels that we have ran into. But, the words wern't coming out the right way. Just lay down I said with a soft calm voice. And then to my suprise she closed her eyes, I waited a minute and when I heard her soft breathing I knew that she was sleeping, Just like an angel she looked her beautiful blonde curly hair just like moms, Her eyes green and beautiful just like Dads.. Sam... and Deans. I layed down and tryed to relax and soon I was falling asleep, into a dreamless white sleep. But, before I could a bright light bursted into my room. I sat up with a horrifying gasp... It was Casstiel, " Hello " he said with a smile "Guess who's Back?.

    Based on supernatural -tv show-
    stay tuned for my 2nd story