• Shadowsong sighed.It seemed that only yesterday she and Smudgefur were apprentices and they had just met in battle.They had met in secret and after she had the kits,he joined ThunderClan.Some people thought he was a traitor but after a while,got used to him.She sat next to him,watching their 3 moon old kits,Rosekit and Eclipsekit,play together."They'll make great warriors"Smudgefur said.Shadowsong replied"Only because your their father,your strong".He nodded and smiled"You beat me when i was an apprentice!".She nodded and stared.Eclipsekit pounced on Rosekit as if she were fresh-kill.''I caught you and your for the elders!''He said and laughed while Rosekit threw him off.It seemed right to watch these kits play and grow because,when they get older,she gets older.And it only seemed like tomorrow when Rosekit would be named Roseleaf and Eclipsekit,Eclipsetail.It would seem like it was the day after that when Roseleaf had her own kits and thats how it only will seem for many,many moons to come.