• "WHAT?!" he yelled. "SHHH!!!" I said, grabbing him and covering his mouth with my hand. I was breathing hard, but managed to hiss in his ear "Shut up! Do you want all the students and teachers rushing in here?!" His eyes went wide and he quickly shook his head. I uncovered his mouth, and lay back against the pillows. "Miyuki, are you sure?" he asked. I nodded "The principal knows..I saw his..memories." I got out. "How would the principal know anything about Mr.Tanaka?" he asked. "He's helping Mr.Tanaka." I said. I looked in his eyes, they were still disbelieveing. I grabbed the front of his shirt and with all the strength I had -which wasn't much- pulled him up to my face "Daisuke, I wound't lie or kid about something like this, Mr.Tanaka, and I don't know why is having all the kids killed." I hissed, but as soon as I finished, I immediatly became incredibly weak and fell into Daisuke's lap. He caught me and brought me up by my shoulders "Miyuki, if what your saying is true, than why did he send us to kill the asasins targeting the kids?" he asked. "I don't know..the principal didn't know..only Tanaka knows." I said. "What else? You're holding something back, what is it?" he asked. Even though I knew it had almost nothing to do with me, I cried "Mr.Tanaka's the one that killed your parents." I said. His eyes went wide, he shoved me down against the pillows and went to the other side of the room. He banged his head on the wall, and slid down to the floor. "Daisuke..come here." I told him. He nodded, got up, turned back toward me where I saw his eyes reddening, walked back to the chair next to me, and sat down. "Daisuke, I'm going to look in your memories, will you let me?" I asked. He looked at me, and nodded. He scooted the chair as close as it would get so it would be easier for me. I brought my hands up to his temples, closed my eyes, and entered his mind. Daisuke's memory of how his parents died, most of it was repressed, very little he could still remember. I had to find those memories he hid from himself. I scrolled through his memories stopping short when I came to his first memory of me. "She's so damn hot! Act cool, act cool!" was his first thought. I laughed. "I thought you were looking for the memory of my parents death" said Daisuke's voice. "I am, I am. Just couldn't help it." I giggled, but continued, feeling Daisuke's prescence follow me. Suddenly, I felt the memory rush at me, and suddenly, I was looking at Daisuke's memory through his eyes. Mr. Tanaka was chasing Daisuke and his parents. Daisuke mother trips and falls, he runs back to get her, but she's already shot, Daisuke is paralyzed with fear, his father gets him by the arm and cotinues running. "Why? Who is this man? Why is he after us?" his father murmured as he ran. They cut through an alley way, but it's a perfect shot, and his father is shot down too. Daisuke yells and, expecting to be killed too, runs, but Mr.Tanaka is faster, and in light speed, appears in front of Daisuke, and he knocks Daisuke out. When Daisuke comes to, he barely remembers anything. Daisuke, I could feel him waver, he saw it too. I came out of his mind and removed my hands from the sides of his head. Daisuke leaned back in his chair, hanging his head back. "Eh? So it was Tanaka that killed my parents, not some random guy." he said. "Daisuke-" I tried to say. "And you know what's ironic? I've been helping out the guy that killed my parents to be able to get the guy that killed my parents." he said, laughing bitterly. "Daisuke-" I tried again "Not to mention, I've been rooting for him, I really, really thought he wasn't like that." he sighed, looking down at his knees. "Daisuke!" I said. He looked up, shocked, as if he'd forgotten I was there. I took his face in my hands "Look, I know how you feel, you feel betrayed, angry, and hurt. I know that feeling, I've had it so much I can still feel it, but you have to focus. Tanaka doesn't know we know about him, for now, we can use that to our advantage." I said. "I want to kill him." he hissed, and I saw in his eyes he meant it. But, if he did get his revenge, what would become of him then? Still, I l nodded "You will. But remember, don't give away any clues we know, I'm not sure how long he plans to keep us here, and right now I don't know who could be whatching us." I said. "So, we don't have anywhere we can talk about this." he asked, halfy questioning. "No, we do, remember?" I asked. "Your house." he said. I nodded "Right. If anything is there, any tape recorders, cameras, I'll be able to sense it no problem, my powers are strongest there, but here, I can barely sense a thing." I admitted. "Do you think Tanaka has anything to do with that?" he asked in such a low voice I had to strain to hear it even though I was right in front of him. I shrugged "I don't know, when do you think we can leave?" I asked in the same low voice Daisuke was using. He grinned "As soon as you get better, ya lazy!" he said, pushing me back down against the pillows which made me really dizzy. "Okay, I'll get better." I said. "Prove it, now go to sleep." he said. I smiled, nodded, and fell asleep.


    "WHAT?!" I yelled, shocked to the marrow of my bone. "SHHH!!!" she said, grabbing me and covering my mouth with her hand. She was breathing hard, but managed to hiss in my ear "Shut up! Do you want all the students and teachers rushing in here?!" I quickly shook my head. She uncovered my mouth, and lay back against the pillows. "Miyuki, are you sure?" I asked, now doubtful. She nodded "The principal knows..I saw his..memories." she got out. "How would the principal know anything about Mr.Tanaka?" I asked. "He's helping Mr.Tanaka." she said. I still barely believed her. She grabbed the front of my shirt and pulled me up to her face "Daisuke, I wound't lie or kid about something like this, Mr.Tanaka, and I don't know why is having all the kids killed." she hissed, but as soo as she finished, she immediatly became incredibly weak and fell into my lap. I caught her and brought her up by her shoulders "Miyuki, if what your saying is true, than why did he send us to kill the asasins targeting the kids?" I asked. "I don't know..the principal didn't know..only Tanaka knows." she said. "What else? You're holding something back, what is it?" I asked. All of a sudden, she cried "Mr.Tanaka's the one that killed your parents." she said. I felt the cold feeling of the betrayal rise up and the hot rush of anger clutch my heart. Quickly so I wouldn't hurt her, I shoved her down against the pillows and went to the other side of the room. I banged my head on the wall, and slid down to the floor, frustrated. "Daisuke..come here." she told me. I nodded, got up, turned back toward her, walked back to the chair next to her, and sat down. "Daisuke, I'm going to look in your memories, will you let me?" she asked. I looked at her, and nodded. I scooted the chair as close as it would get so it would be easier for her. She brought her hands up to my temples, closed her eyes, and entered my mind. I felt her scroll through my memories, suddenly stopping short when she came to my first memory of her. "She's so damn hot! Act cool, act cool!" was my first thought. She laughed. "I thought you were looking for the memory of my parents death" I said. "I am, I am. Just couldn't help it." she giggled, but continued. Suddenly, I felt the memory rush at me, and suddenly, I was looking at my repressed memory. Mr. Tanaka was chasing me and my parents. My mother trips and falls, I run back to get her, but she's already shot, I'm is paralyzed with fear, my father gets me by the arm and continues running. "Why? Who is this man? Why is he after us?" my father murmured as we ran. We cut through an alley way, but it's a perfect shot, and my father is shot down too. I yell and, expecting to be killed too, run, but Mr.Tanaka is faster, and in light speed, appears in front of me, and he knocks me out. When I comes to, I barely remembers anything. She came out of my mind and removed her hands from the sides of my head. I leaned back in my chair, and hang my head back. "Eh? So it was Tanaka that killed my parents, not some random guy." I said. "Daisuke-" she tried to say. "And you know what's ironic? I've been helping out the guy that killed my parents to be able to get the guy that killed my parents." I said, laughing bitterly. "Daisuke-" she tried again "Not to mention, I've been rooting for him, I really, really thought he wasn't like that." I sighed, looking down at my knees. "Daisuke!" she said. I looked up, shocked, I'd forgotten she was there. She took my face in her hands "Look, I know how you feel, you feel betrayed, angry, and hurt. I know that feeling, I've had it so much I can still feel it, but you have to focus. Tanaka doesn't know we know about him, for now, we can use that to our advantage." she said. "I want to kill him." I hissed, she I l nodded "You will. But remember, don't give away any clues we know, I'm not sure how long he plans to keep us here, and right now I don't know who could be whatching us." she said. "So, we don't have anywhere we can talk about this." I asked, halfy questioning. "No, we do, remember?" she asked. "Your house." I said. She nodded "Right. If anything is there, any tape recorders, cameras, I'll be able to sense it no problem, my powers are strongest there, but here, I can barely sense a thing." she admitted. "Do you think Tanaka has anything to do with that?" I asked in such a low voice she had to strain to hear it even though she was right in front of me. She shrugged "I don't know, when do you think we can leave?" she asked in the same low voice I was using. I grinned "As soon as you get better, ya lazy!" I said, pushing her back down against the pillows. "Okay, I'll get better." she said. "Prove it, now go to sleep." I said. She smiled, nodded, and fell asleep. She seemed so peaceful when she was asleep, but, if Mr.Tanaka killed my parents, it made me wonder, did they make hers go insane?

    Next, Little Star 25