• Autmn. That was the time of cooler weather, more wet weather, and of course school. The leaves begin to change color and fall off the trees; waiting to be raked away. The crisp air brings less sunlight, and more moonlight as the season progresses. Early morning sunlight awakes 14 year old Fiona in her bedroom from her nightly slumber. With school not yet opening for another week, she crawls out of bed slowly and walks downstairs for breakfast. Her mother, Jennifer was not present. She was working from 9 am to 7 pm--which pleased Fiona, as she does have enough bond with her mother. She has no other siblings, and her father is in another city not wanting Fiona in his life. Sighing and sitting on the couch, Fiona pulls out a magazine and reads it while her breakfast is cooking on the stove. Minutes went by. She completley forgotten that her food was still cooking--now more like burning. She smells the burning sensation, and sprints off the couch, dropping the magazine. Embarrased, she turns off the stove quickly, and eats her breakfast. "Why am I so bad at keeping track?" she says to herself. She then looked at her kitten, Muffins. Muffins was no older than 2 years old...still having a tiny kitten body, she was transitioning into a full grown Cat rapidly. Fiona pets Muffins and continues eating the burnt breakfast. "Yuck!" she gagged. Nevertheless, she continued eating until she was full. After cleaning up her mess, she picks up Muffins in her arms and return to the couch. "Heya Muffins! Watcha been up to, hm?" she giggled. Muffins purred and licked Fiona's nose. "That tickles, girl!!" squealed Fiona as she was giggling. Just then, a knock on the door startled Fiona. She immideatly grabbed on her housecoat and wrapped it around her, and walked to the door to open it. It was Fiona's best friends Joseph, and Lily. Lily was the same age as Fiona--and they went to the same school together. Joseph is 16...Fiona and him have a special bond since the elementary grades. Both of them entered Fiona's house. "My, your house is very messy!!" exclaimed Joseph. Fiona sighed of embarrasment. "Sorry! I've just lost track with--uhmm....homework!" Lily giggled. "Silly goose, school isn't up and runnin' till next week!!" Busted. Fiona fibbed big time. "Ok fine, I lost track of time and I totally forgot that you two were coming over. Happy?" she groaned unhappily. Joseph and Lily laughed. "We kinda expected that, ya know." scoffed Joseph. "Yeah! What's NOT to forget though, is that we have to take that IQ test." added Lily. Completley shocked, Fiona fell to the floor. "WHAA?!! THE TEST WAS TODAY?!!!?" She yelled confusingly. "Yes. It starts in an hour!! Remember??" answered Lily. Fiona banged her head against the wall cursing herself out. Once she was done, she jolted back to her room upstairs to get dressed, then dashed back downstairs to brush her teeth and do her hair. Finally, she sprinted to do her makeup, and was ready to go. "Took you long enough. We got half hour left!" exclaimed Jospeh. "LET'S GO ALREADY!!" screamed Lily impatiently. The three ran out the door, and hopped onto the skytrain to the IQ building. "So...why are we taking the tests again?? asked Fiona confused. "Oh my gosh, don't you remember? We need to take them so the teachers can see where we are at since last year! Kinda like a review." answered Joseph. Fiona sighed. "I forgot to study last night. I feel so bad now!" she sighed. Lily nodded in agreement. "I know how you feel! I only studied the hard questions--this is just like school all over again!" Jospeh groaned. "You telling me....and it's not for another 6 and a half days!" All three sighed and groaned in frustration, and remained silent for the rest of the ride. Some time later, the train jerked to a sudden stop. "Final stop: IQ building. Please watch your step and have a nice day." said the PA system on the sky train. The three got off and saw the tall building in awe. "Dang. That's ong huge building!" gasped Fiona. "I think I can see my cousin, Zack!" excalimed Lily. "Yeah! There's one of my other good friends, Nicole!" added Joseph. Lily and Fiona then started to tease Joseph. "Ooh, who's this Nicole person? Is she your girrrrllfrienddd???" "You know...dating?? Lovers?? Come on...tell us!! Did you give her the--" "HEY! ENOUGH ALREADY!!!!" screamed Joseph embarrased. Both girls laughed hysterically. Just then, Fiona saw a figure on top of the building. It looked like an upside down U with a two straight lines attatched to the shape, followed by another straight line right underneath the upside down U. It seemed to have whispered to Fiona. She then thought she was going mad, but it sounded so real to her ears! 'Dear Child, please posess the power of Zodiac Libra....we need your help!' Fiona shook her head and blinked 5 times. Lily and Joseph were looking confused at Fiona. "Are you alright??" asked Lily. "Do we need to take you home?!" added Joseph worried. Fiona slurred out, "No....I'm fine." The three proceeded to the IQ room, and took the test. Fiona continued to hear the same voice as she first saw the symbol on top of the building. Did it mean anything?? Was she really going crazy? Or will she be destined to take a power of some sort? All these questions swirled Fiona's head, and made her pass out in the middle of the 200 people classroom. Immideatly taken back home to rest, Fiona sweats, and slurrs random sentences, as if she was talking to the voice in her mind. Could this be true??