• She stared longingly into the eyes of the man she met about two hours ago. Her blonde hair spilled down her long slender back. It twisted and curled itself into the devil's broken promises. Her eyes looked evil. A dark blue. She could shapeshift her eyes into any desirable look, and a man would be down before her catering to her every needs. Her slim fragil body looked as if a 6 year old could snap it. Her full always red lipsticked lips were always curled into a smirk that the boys fell for. She was about to take off her short black dress that clung to her skin when her phone rang. Annoyed, she looked at her phone to see who was calling. It was her husband. The man kissed her neck, and started slipping off her dress. "Who's that?" He asked into her neck. "Just my sister.." She lied, and put her phone off to the side. "You're so sexy..." The man said. She smiled, and unbuttoned his white shirt. "Well, tonight I am yours..." She whispered softly in his ear. That soft whisper was just enough to get the man going. They made love without real love in it at all.

    She woke up. Her head throbbing. She looked around. She was in some cheap motel on a bed that felt uncomfortable. She swirled the spit around in her mouth. It tasted like the beer that she drank last night. She looked over at the man sleeping next to her. She had no rememberance of this man, but did not worry. She got up slowly ignoring the piercing pain in her head, and the wave of nausea that took over her. She slipped on her clothes, and grabbed her phone. She saw that she had a text message from her faithful husband saying, "I miss you. I hope you are having fun with the girls in Maine. Is the hotel nice? I love you. I can't wait to see you tonight.." She didn't reply. Instead she slipped the phone in her purse, and got into her clothes. She quietly walked out of the hotel room, and out onto the streets back to the hotel room she paid for.

    When she got there she took her asprin. Soon, the pain will go away. She told herself. Her phone buzzed. She thought it was just her husband, so she let the phone ring. But she kept getting calls. She looked at who was calling, and realized that the call was from a number she did not remember ever seeing. Annoyed she answered saying, "Who are you?" In a harsh voice that hurt her head. "It's that guy from the bar. Remember me?" The man said. His voice was very deep, and gruff. Of course she did not remember. She had met many guys at the bar. "No." She replied. "How could you forget?" He asked. "I made great love to you." He said. Still, she did not remember him. There was many men who made great love t to her. Hearing that she was still silent and confused the man said, "I made love to you two nights ago. I bought you those two beers at the bar. We went into my house. I met you by coming up to you, and offering to buy you a drink..." The man said hoping she'd remember. Still she didn't. The man became annoyed and said, "Well, do you want to meet up tonight at 8:00pm, or something?" He said. She was still cursed with this terrible hangover, and she wasn't thinking straight. "Sure." She said. She forgot that tonight was the night she said she would return to her husband. "Alright. I'll meet you up at the bar." He said.

    Her husband called her later on that afternoon. She answered realizing that she'd have to eventually. "Are you on your way home?" He asked with such hope in his voice that'd it break mainly everybody's heart. "Huh?" She said. She still forgot that she promised to be home tonight. "You said you'd be home tonight.." He said. Her eyes widened. "Oh... I can't come home tonight." She said remembering that tonight she was meeting up with that man at the bar. "Why not?" Her husband asked. His voice was cracking, and he sounded choked up with tears. His voice lost it's hope, and he sounded miserable. "My friend suggested that I stay longer because she noticed that I look tense." She said quickly. Her husband was not going to give up. He missed her terribly, and wanted her home now. "I can make all the tense go away... I will hold you so tight, and kiss you softly. I'll massage your back and body. I'll make you feel so relaxed.." He said. She didn't listen to a word he said. "I have to go." She said, and hung up.

    No guilt crossed her after that iccident. She lit a cigarette, and let high puffs into the air. She kept thinking of how much fun she'd have tonight. She put out her cigarette, and took a nap so she could look fresh for tonight.

    When she woke up she showered. She put on a red short dress that had a low cut so her cleavage buldged out her dress. The dress hardly covered her bottom. She wore black fishnets, and high black boots. She didn't wear a bra. What was the point anyways? She thought. It'd attract more men without it on, and it'd be taken off anyways. She wore a pink thong, and set off to the bar.

    She drove there in her red convertible with the top down. Her hair flew around her face, and men whistled in their cars as she passed. She smiled at them, and winked. That seemed to drive them crazy, and some even followed her to the bar.

    When she got to the bar the man she was supposed to meet up with was there. She started to remember him. He was extremely tall, and thin. His hair was brown and curly. He had brown fuzz above his lip. His brown eyes were dark. He stared at me, and smirked. An evil smirk that she had too. He walked over to her. "Want a beer?" He asked casually. He looked more at her breasts as he spoke. She realized this, but did nothing to stop it. She even pulled down her dress a little more to reveal her breasts a bit better. "Yes." She said. He smiled up at her, and his eyes widened as he looked at her breasts. He was astounded at the size. He walked over to the bar area, and bought her a beer. He handed her it, and she gulped it down. "Never saw a women seem so thirsty for a beer." He said in a soft whisper. "Another." She said ignoring his statement. He bought her three more, and she gulped them down. She soon was too drunk to stand, and the man took her to his house.

    He smiled at her. "I've never met a women who is so sexy, and fun.." He started kissing her exposed breasts. He took off her dress, and fondled them. She laid back, and let him do whatever he wanted to her. She hardly even realized what he was doing. She was too drunk, but she liked the feeling. He took off his clothes. He looked like a strong man, and his body towered over hers. He began to make love to her. With no compassion. Just wanting. He moaned words of how much he wanted her softly.

    She woke up. She looked around. Where am I? She thought to herself. She fished for some asprin in her purse, and popped them into her mouth. The pain was worse than it usually was in her head. She thought it was best not to move at all. She laid there. Naked. The man who made love to her last night had his arms wrapped around her. He snored softly in his sleep which hurt her head even more. She took her phone off, and realized that her husband called her 3 times, and left 2 texts. She read the texts. One was from last night saying: "I miss you so much, baby. I can't stand not being with you anymore... I want to hear your voice.. See your beautiful face.. Come home... Soon..." The next one was from this morning saying: "I hope you come home today. Please, come home. I love you so much. I want you so badly. Please... Please..." She rolled over, and ignored those texts. Of course she was not coming home tonight. Why go back to that place which didn't allow her to have as much as she was having? Besides the hangovers each day she loved her life. The only reason she was actually married was because this certain man who she was married to would not leave her alone. He took her out on proper dates, and eventually asked her to marry him. She didn't say no. She enjoyed the s*x he gave her. But it wasn't enough. So, she went out, lying, and got more men to make love with. She loved it. She never thought that love wasn't just about that.

    The man beside her woke up. He looked over. He smiled at her. "How are you, babe?" He asked. She moaned, and rolled over. She popped more asprins in her mouth, and took some tums to make the nausea go away. "Hangover, huh?" He said. "You drank quite a lot last night.." He commented. She ignored him. He started touching her breasts again, and rubbing them. He touched the places that she enjoyed having touched. She closed her eyes, and thought to herself, "I'll just stay here until my hangover fades."

    As soon as her hangover faded, she left. She went back to the bar to find someone else for the night. She found her car at the bar which didn't surprise her. It was always there when a man took her home or to a motel at night. The bar was opened all day. She entered it, and it was very crowded. It was 6:00pm, and that's when people start pouring in. Women were dancing on the floor to loud booming music, and men were trying to hook up with girls. Men looked at her. One came up to her. He was bald, short, and overweight. His eyes were beady, and he was so short that he reached up to her neck. "What's your name?" He asked eyeing her breasts. "Sarah." She said. "I'm Rick." He said. She smiled at him one of her devil smiles, and his eyes widened. "Want a drink?" He asked ."Of course." She said. He bought her a beer, and she drank it. He bought her another, and she drank it. She didn't hear her phone ringing over the loud music. It was her husband. At this very moment he was driving to Maine at the hotel that she said she was staying at.

    As soon as Rick realized she was beyond drunk he took her to a cheap motel. They went into the room. Rick took off her clothes, and handled her rather gruffly. His hands didn't feel right as he touched her all over. She didn't like it at first, but the second he started making love to her she ignored that. Rick grunted while making love to her. Loud grunts that basically covered over her moans, and groans.

    She woke up to a knocking on the door. She rolled over. Who was knocking on the door right now? She looked around, and at Rick. Rick slept through the knocking. She quickly threw on her dress, and opened the door. It was the police. Her head was pounding as the police stared at her in surprise and at Rick. "We managed to track you down to give you the terrible news." One of the policemen said. "What?" She asked confused. "Your husband is dead." She stared confused. Her head was too messed up for her to fully grasp that. "What?" She repeated. "He died in a car crash trying to get to the hotel in Maine that you told him you were staying at..." The policeman said. "Apparently you lied to him, and were just sleeping with another man... I hope you feel terrible.." They walked off.

    She felt guilt.... For once in her life..