• "You.. you can't be serious"

    The voice was a shrill plead, arising from the fluttering chest of a young woman. She stood anxiously before the cloaked counsel, garbed in a black that contrasted against her pale skin. Her bright blue eyes, whose colors easily mimicked the warm, tropical ocean waters, glistened with moisture. Her lips quivered, as well as her hands, which had balled into angered fists.

    One of the cloaked figures took a single step forth, their hood carefully overshadowing their face. Only pasty green lips were visible from the firelight of the damp cavern, and they twitched into a faint grin.

    "You knew the possible consequences of your choice, Mave." The cloaked figure's voice was raspy with age and barely feminine, sounding similar to the hiss of a challenged serpent. She slowly waved her hand and another cloaked figure stepped forward, their face entirely shadowed, and within their arms they held a baby. It was silent, yet surely breathing, mysterious blue eyes peering out into the darkness. Mave nearly squealed at the sight of her, and she jerked forward instinctively. A firm hand grasped her arm to stop her, and came to her side quickly. Fiery red eyes glinted in fury as the male figure held his wife, glaring at the cloaked figures.

    The cloaked female who'd addressed Mave carefully grasped the baby, looking down at her greedily. Her wry grin widened, a single hand stroking through the soft, crimson hairs that framed the infant's chubby face.

    "I'm truly sorry for your loss. It's hard to lose a child to disease-"
    the cloaked female began, however she was quickly cut short by the waving fist of the male with red eyes.

    "She's not DEAD!" His voice boomed, his fists clenching as he drew Mave closer.

    "Lucifer.." Mave begged, placing her hand on her husband's chest. He only pulled away, taking a step towards the cloaked figure.

    "She's perfectly fine. She's our child, and you're not taking her, Edema!" Lucifer demanded. An intricate pattern of ruby-hued patterns strewn along his cheeks and jaws began to glow as his teeth clenched. However threatening he appeared, the cloaked female, Edema, merely continued to stroke the infant, her faint grin ever present.

    "Ah, but you are wrong, Lucifer. Dead to you, she will be."
    Edema's voice sizzled in humor, a slow and painful chuckle following. Tears began to stream down Mave's face, her chest heaving in grief. Lucifer began to slowly back away as the rest of the cloaked figures, three of them in total, began to move towards him. His grip on Mave became ruthless, but much in accident, as they were backed into a wet rock wall. The light of several torches flickered Edema and the infant's shadows against the wall, and she sighed impatiently.

    "We'll look for her, we will find her." Mave threatened in quivering tones, staring at the illuminated figure helplessly. "Do you expect us to forget about her?"

    The question caused Edema to lift her head in silence, her strokes upon the sleeping child halting as she took a slow and planned step forward. Her grin now exposed her teeth as she freed one of her hands to gently tug back the hood of her cloak. Knee-length brown hair, salt-and-peppered with age, hung along her back in a loose braid. Mesmerizing eyes, an acidic green, stared at the couple vacantly, her jaws parting to speak as her grin twisted maliciously.

    "That is exactly what you will do." Her voice was low and the words dripped from her mouth slowly. Suddenly, the grin washed from her aged face, a frown tugging downwards as she waved her hand impatiently at the three other cloaked figures. They nodded their head in agreement, and Edema turned hastily to exit the cavern. Mave screamed in terror, reaching out in despair for her child, while Lucifer barked curses at the approaching cloaked figures. In all the excitement the infant became frightened, letting out shrill cries to return to her parents' comforting embrace.

    Edema stopped and stared at the frightened child, shaking her head slowly. She gently placed one wrinkled finger to the infant's lips, and instantly they shut, not as much as a peep escaping them.

    "Hush, child. You will be taken where you belong." She assured, tilting her head slightly to admire the colorful baby. Mave and Lucifer were dragged violently down one of the cavern forks, and their voices were fading. As they began to disappear from sight, one of the cloaked figures approached Edema, his head bowed as he addressed her.

    "Where will we be taking her, our Faith?" The cloaked figure inquired in gruff tones, keeping his head bowed. However, he noticed the faint affection Edema had adopted for the infant. She hesitated before answering, looking over at him with an expression suddenly vacant. She shoved her arms into his chest, forcing him to take hold of the infant, who remained helplessly silent.

    "I haven't seen one like her in too long. Fire and Water, and fully functional." She commented dryly, turning to face the cloaked figure who now held the infant. He remained still for a moment, before shaking his head in agreement.

    "Regardless, you will take her to the Camp. We will see how she does there." Edema demanded, clearing her throat before she lifted an arm to place a weak hand on the cloaked figure's shoulder, who jumped lightly at her cold touch. She used her other free hand to pull the hood back above her head, shadowing her face.

    "Do ensure the parents recall nothing of her. We don't need them meddling with our business." Her rough voice was a grumble, and the cloaked male nodded quickly, before turning away to deliver the infant. His spine chilled as he descended though the caverns, much aware of her acid green eyes watching him leave. She clasped her hands firmly, turning towards the entrance of the cavern in clouded thought.

    "You may serve us well, child." The words were breathed barely audible as she ascended a few stone steps. Turning slowly, she faced the room which had just moments before endured a traumatic scene. With little regards, she swept her arm before her, and respectively the torches lost their flame.