• Ch 1 Leave

    Kyo looked up at the ceiling in his bedroom, idly drawing circles on the ceiling, a large middle one, two slightly smaller ones, overlapping the middle and then three smaller circles, one on the middle, one on either side. He then idly drew elvic runes for dark, soul, and light, leaving the smallest circles blank.

    His blue eyes reflected back the orange street lights from outside. The harsh orange light also made his mop of sapphire and electric blue hair, appear black. Kyo tossed and rolled over, letting the mental image of the circles project themselves onto a new surface, perhaps one not marred by street light. One of his elongated ears folded back so that he could rest comfortably on his side. Unlike his uncle, Kyo was part elf. A 'breed' as some others called him, apparently not accepting he was stuck in both worlds, not caring that he wanted to be in neither, not after his parents died.

    A series of scars marked his back, a make of his own past, the largest running from his right shoulder to his left hip. Another scar, not visible normally due to his hair, still affects him, although the accident was eighteen years ago. It was the same accident that claimed the life of his mother and father. That damage never healed like the scar on his back.

    Kyo shifted back over and then sat up, revealing his chest. Kyo never though of himself as being to badly built. Not a lot of fat and decently toned muscles that faintly showed under his tan skin. He looked outside at the darkened city, most people would be a sleep at this hour but Kyo found the silences to be calming especially when his uncle was out drinking.

    A loud wailing alarm sounded through the he city. A horrible compressed and computerized voice boomed through the same horns that the sirens were using.

    “All civilians retreat to shelter immediately!”

    Several red lights began flashing, further driving in the warning that outside was no longer a safe place to be.

    The alarms and the booming voice faded off, allowing an eerie silence settle over the town. Kyo heard the scrambling of many feet on the earth and through the ground, Kyo felt the thundering of engines.

    The eerie stillness that was batted away by the engines returned, muffling them but the roar was still there. In an instance the silents was murdered by the first of many salvos of plasma bolts. The bolts that did not find their mark exploded, lighting up the area with splashes of bright yellow and purple. The ones that did resulted in a wail of pain from the victim.

    Something about these events seemed entrancing to himself. As if seeing a demon was the end goal. Somehow Kyo felt a bizarre connection to the evil and feral beasts as if their calls where calling to the deepest and darkest recesses of his mind, where something lay dormant, lest asleep. Kyo knew something terrifying was back there, he saw it in his nightmares. It showed itself in silhouette, but the shape was close enough that Kyo knew that the demon had to be himself.

    Other people claimed that occasionally his eyes would flash red when he was pissed off. When Kyo thought about the claims, the more he came to the conclusion that perhaps the evil inside of him was not himself but something or someone else inside of him. A thought that was less comforting than he was the evil. Kyo pulled from memory the feeling of when his eyes flashed red.

    It was caused by something in consequential, but the memory of the feeling remained. Intense rage, fury and a strange sense of pain, like his entire body was set on fire with gasoline.

    Kyo brought his hand up to the window and if on cue, a purple spark jumped from the window to his hand. His hand fell to the bed with a sharp intake of air, the impact spot remained slightly discolored that quickly faded back.
    He laid back down and rolled over letting the sounds of the raging battle carry him into sleep, comforted by the fact that D.A.C.R.P personnel would not let this town fall to the demonic onslaught.

    He was running down a pitch black gravel pathway, spraying gravel up behind him with every footfall. Bizarre flashes of yellow and purple color exploded, blinding Kyo but out of shear terror he kept running. He chanced a look back, monster from his nightmares followed close behind, its two red glowing eyes letting Kyo know just how close the evil was to him. The fear alone sent adrenalin coursing through Kyo's blood.
    A wrought stone door ended the path on a little raised platform. The door itself made of heavy timber and held together by black iron bars. Kyo bolted up the steps and tried for the latch. The heavy latch refused to move. Kyo looked over at the unblinking red eyes as they grew closer. Panic gripped him, he pounded against the door in a vain effort to open it. Kyo threw his weight at the door, making it shudder, but not give, in its strong frame. He flattened against the door facing the evil fearfully.

    The eyes stopped and an echoing laugh boomed from it, making Kyo's ears fold flat against his head.

    “Game over,” It hissed into his ear.

    Kyo felt the evil touching his body and where it touched, burned.

    “There's nowhere to go and no way to out run me. Flee all you want. I will claw my way to the surface and take over.” It finished with a growl.

    A final flash of blinding light illuminated the evil. Kyo slid down the door in horror, as the darkness dissolved just briefly, at what took shape in front of him, the familiarity stabbing Kyo's heart with a new wave of terror, leaving him immobilized against the door as the darkness flooded his senses and overwhelming his mind with intense burning pain.

    Kyo woke with a start, buried under the covers, curled up in a fetal position with his hands clapped tightly over his ears. He could hear his own ragged breathing and felt his own sweat clamping the covers to him.

    He slid back the covers to find his room brightly lit from sunlight filtering through a canopy of leaves. Morning had come with the cool sent of victory from last nights battle. He slid out of bed all the way revealing the rest of his fit body. He threw on some shorts and light shirt. His uncle was still sleep and most likely would be for awhile, he had come home the night before drunk, not uncommon for him.

    Kyo stared at his own reflection in the bathroom mirror.

    “Am I really an evil person? The dreams are always the same, always the same ending. Am I destine to become a demon? Become a number like the ones last night?” Kyo thought

    He shook his head.

    “They are just dreams!” He reminded himself.

    Kyo returned to his room dressed for the day, two shirts, a black t-shirt and a blue sleeveless. Matched by a pair of slightly shiny black pants suitable for the arid climate. He threw most of his clothing he could into a duffel bag and quietly closed the door to his room. Kyo turned around an came almost face to face with his uncle.

    His uncle stood shorter than Kyo by a few inches. His dirty face was framed by matted black hair.

    “You better not be going to the gym.” He said trying to pin Kyo against the door. “I need you to make me some money today. I owe our landlord back rent. She won't accept it any later.”
    “This time I am not going to the gym. You are going to have to find the money yourself.” Kyo said pushing back and more effectively intimidating his uncle. “You got yourself into this hole, I'm not going to jump in and try and fill it!”

    With one final shove, Kyo pushed his uncle away and made his way down the hall. He didn't get far when two arms closed around his neck, pulling him back.

    “I will get money out of you even if I have to kill you! You useless breed!” Kyo fought the choke hold the best he could. He began to feel conscience slipping past him. His uncle was in such a pain induced rage that he could easily miss Kyo had stopped struggling and kill him. His uncle made a yell of pain and quickly released Kyo. Kyo fell to the floor with a thud and quickly picked himself up.

    His uncle rushed to the kitchen to run his seemingly burned arm under cold water. Kyo didn't hesitate to run out the door and into his car. His uncle looked up to see a blur of blue and black shoot past him, hear the door open then close. He looked out a window overlooking the driveway and saw Kyo getting set to pull out.

    “I'll be sure that you will have no home here anymore you son of a b***h!” He yelled at the window. He could not tell if Kyo had heard the threat.