• The darkness was broken by several streaks of lightning as a girl slipped silently out into the rain, a dagger in her hand. Water dripped down her face and mixed with her tears. She cried out and fell to her knees as thunder shook the earth. "How could you do this to me?!" she screamed at the sky "How could you leave me?" her voice cracked and she looked down at the dagger in her hand. Her vision was blurred by the tears and rain as she whispered "But I will join you soon, my love". Slowly she got to her feet and lifted the dagger, holding it out away from her chest. She closed her eyes as lightning shot through the sky once more. Memories of her love ran though her head and a smiled appeared on her lips as she brought the dagger down fast and hard. She gasped as the blade sank into her chest and pierced her heart. Thunder rolled as she sank to the ground and her heart sputtered to a stop.