There was once a young princess who fell in love with her prince. They loved each other and on their wedding vowed to never drift away. Threw all of her words she was honest and pure, but the prince she fell for was cold and deceitful. Despite rumors and tales from the kingdom the princess stayed faithful and never once did she doubt her husband, until she saw him with her. Still she could not bring herself to hate her prince and when she forgave him he seduced her and laid her on a bed of deep red roses. Ashamed and afraid his wife would tell and put his kingship in danger he killed her and wrote her suicide note that was placed delicately in her hand.Her funeral was over and she opened her eyes at the golden gates of heaven, for she was pure and selfless in life, but in death, she was shocked and horrified, and she rejected heaven, and the eternal peace she deserved and raced back to earth. She found the prince with his new woman, and even though her eyes showed no hatred it filled the couple with dread and sadness as she killed the prince with a sword made out of one of the roses she was killed on. She turned to the woman and said, "my beautiful sister of Earth, who has so much love in her heart. Never be so naive to let love kill you. Take this rose and find the love you truly deserve. She turned and flew up to the night sky to meet the souls of others killed by their love, and so was born of lust, the angel of the woman's heart.
The Angel Born of Lust
Lovlexa Williams
A woman can be killed by love if they allow it to blind them. To be killed from something so pure may not seem possible, but it may have the power to turn something else pure into an avenger and to make an angel hate the land of heaven.
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