• In time; the world forgot about the war between heaven and hell. Just as the war got worse, an academy came up. You might be thinking, "What the hell is so special about an Academy?" Well, here's the story.
    "Anya! Anya, wake up!" she shot up. Her parents were long dead, and yet, she could still hear them. Let alone, see them. "Coming, mum!" she sighed at this preposterous illusion. "It couldn't be real! It just can't!" she cried aloud. "Why not, dear?" she gasped. It was an unfamiliar voice. She turned around swiftly.
    "Who, who are you?" she asked to the voice which hid in the dark corner of the room. She walked closer, and heard a voice say to her, "Don't. It's dangerous." so, she stopped.
    "I am here to tell you welcome to Angelis Academy. We welcome all forms of people with exceptional powers, far greater than just any normal physic." "If you think I'm so special, and what not. Then, why don't you come out of the darkness and reveal yourself in the light?" he laughed and said, "Fine." when he stepped out, he looked like an 'Angel' literally.
    He laughed again, but more out-going this time. "Well, I see you have a thing for angels!" My face looked away, in shame. "So-sorry." she said shyly. "No, don't be. It's highly normal for me." he laughed a little more quiet this time.
    "When may I go?" she asked. "Now would be fine, I will escort you to the school. You are quiet special, my dear! You want to know why?" I nodded yes then he said, "Lets go." and he dashed out of there, and told me. "You have the power of water in you. You can control anything that has to do with it; including how the rain precipitates, the ocean and seas, and the moon." I told him to stop.
    "Wait, what? Tha-That's impossible!" he merely gave me a smile. "It's true, my dear! Oh, and we are here. Let's go." everyone was staring at me and moving out of my way, slowly. Whispers sounded miles away. Faces drew into disgust with me, or him. Whoever it was.
    "You may not enter here." the guard said. "I have a special student here for this academy. She deserves just as much a chance as all the others here." "I'll take her in. I'll talk to you outside the gate." and therefore, the guard and this Angel kept his promise.
    I went to the Head-Master's office, and before I could even make my presence aware the man said, "Come in, Anya." I did as he asked. "Um, head-master?" he looked up, and seemed a little caught off guard how I knew his name for this school. "Welcome. Who brought you here? I didn't call for you here yet." he seemed to be shocked at this.
    "Well." I paused. Confused myself. "A man. No, an 'angel' he called himself- he brought me here." he looked up very alert. "What did he look like?" I blushed deep red, my heart was pounding, and my mind began to wonder off. He must of known what that meant, and said, "Don't go around him again. He will cause you harm." "Bu-" "But, nothing. Do you want to end up like everyone else you knew?" I looked down, and shook my head no. "Okay then. Welcome to the Academy of Angelis."