• A dream. That is what I felt was happening. A dream. Everything was dark. There was a think fog. Why was this happeneing? Why is it every time I sleep a dream happens.
    "Jamie."I heard someone say. I turned and saw, Mia. "Mia?"I said. ''Hello. I no I keep telling you warnings. Well this is the most important one."She said. "Wait? Why are you the one who must tell me?"I said. "Because I'm the one who knows."She said.
    "Ok You have been chased by the hunter, the wizard with shadows and the vampire in hoods. They are all connected. There is a reason why they are all after you."She said.
    "Well tell me. Why am I almost being killed? Why must I do a spell? Why do they want to bring back some old witch?"I said.
    "Because long ago lived a witch. She was very powerful. She had a spell over everyone. She eventually got followers, vampire followers. She had another witch friend. Your some number great grandmother. This witch didnt have any more family she was the last. But she knew your family would go on longer. So before she died she put a spell on your family that made sure she could use this family's witch's body so she could come back." Mia said.
    "So some old witch wants to come back through me!?''I said. She nodded. "Then the wizard found out. He didnt want the witch back. He knew the evil she had done. So they found the your family. Found you. Asked you to do a spell that woould kill vampires in Salem, knowing it would go bad and kill him the wizard and you."She said.
    ''What about the witch hunter and his friend?"I asked her. ''Well I'm sure he told you about how your ancestor framed his. Well thats not true. He just said that so he didnt have to tell you this whole story."She said.
    "Then what is the reason he wants to kill me?"I asked her. "Well both men desend from Salem. But not as witches. They are hunters of anything from witch to vampires. A few People which included there ancestors were all the witch hunters. They for some odd reason stuck with that name. Anyways so these group of people decided that witches were deamons,evil and that we needed to be stopped before we could cast a spell over everyone. So they decided to have witch trials. They killed over 100 witches. More than half were human. They wanted us to go back to were we belonged. In the firery depts of hell." She said.
    "Why are they after me though?"I asked. ''Because they found out that your the won needed to bring back the witch, your the won who can do the spell to kill vampires. They know this. So they want you dead before it can happen."She said.
    "So what do I do?"I asked. "Well my guess is that you leave Salem."She said. "Leave? Leave my home my life? Im not sure if I can do that."I said. "Well you should deside soon."She said.
    I closed my eyes. When I opened I was in my room. It was sunset. I sat on my bed for a minute to think. I was in deep thought when I smelled an awful smell. I walked out of my room. I looked in the bathroom. Nothing. My mom's. Nothing. The guest bedroom. Nothing. I walked down stairs. There was nothing. I looked in the garage. Where was the smell coming from.
    That was when I thought. The basement. I walked to the door. I used to hate going down here alone. I turned the light switch on. I slowly walked down the stairs. I finally made it to the last step. I stepped down. I walked straight ahead of me. The smell was really strong down here. I turned around.
    "AHHHH!"I screamed. I saw my mothers dead corpse. I quickly ran over to her. "Mom, mom."I screamed. There was a knife in her heart. I pulled it out. "Why?"I cried.
    I ran back up the stairs. I ran outside. ''NOOOOOO!"I YELLED.
    I fell to my knees looking at my house. "Jamie."I heard a mans voice say. I turned and saw Charlie. "What happened?"He said. "My mother is dead."I said. ''Are you ok?"He asked. He touched my shoulder. "NOOOO!"I screamed at him. "NO NO NO NO!" I yelled. "Jamie calm down."Charlie said.
    I stood up and looked at him. "Charlie my mother is dead."I said. Then I hit his face. "Dont tell me to calm down.''I yelled. "Jamie."He said. And he put his arms around me. "Im sorry your mother is dead."He said.
    I broke away from his arms. "Charlie lets go."I said as I started walking. We walked back to Charlene's house. Charlene was sittting down. I sat down on another chairs. "Jamie if you wanna find out who did it theres a way. You just need to have something of hers."He said.
    "I have this."I said. I held up a locket with a wedding picture of her my father. "It was hers."I said. "Ok Charlene turn out the lights and get a candle.''Charlie said.
    Heres how this spell works. You light a candle and you hold the object of the person's in your hands. Then you ask the question out loud. Then the witch will see a vision. I thought to myself.
    "Lets het started."Charlie said. The candle was lit and the locket was in my hands. I looked straight into the candle's flame. "Who killed my mother?"I said. Then the flame went out. I closed my eyes and saw it.
    My mother was walking down the stairs when someone pushed her. She was cornered. Then that person sent the knife straight threw her heart. Then I saw the face. It was the witch hunters.
    I opened my eyes. "It was the hunter."I said. He is going to kill everyone till he kills me. I thought.