• ''Heart"
    In the future, technology is the time when people are interested in becoming a scientists.
    But, Because of the existence of the machines they invented, they are afraid of them, assuming that machines have no "Heart"
    People at that time hoped for a miracle..
    They had hope, that the machine had its own "Heart".
    But it was impossible to make.
    "Heart" cannot be made.
    It is something that each creature is born with.

    This is a story where a lonely scientist built a robot.
    "A Miracle" he said.
    But even though he built a robot, there was something missing, something that cannot be made.
    That is what is called "Heart".
    A program..
    He tried everything to complete the robot.
    He wanted to share everything, every feelings, the feelings of sad, happiness..
    He wanted to share all the feelings he had with (it).
    Distress descended on him
    As time passed by, the robot asked him..

    "What does existence mean to you?" she(it) said.

    He saw himself in the robot's eyes..
    Baffled by an unknown reason, the motive why she (it) was built.
    He started to cry as he knew that his time was limited.
    Then, the robot ask again while grabbing his coat.

    "Why do you cry?" "Why must you cry?" "For what reason?" she (it) said.

    The scientist remain silently as he touched the robot's head with a smile.

    Time passed and the scientist still searching for it..
    the "Heart" that was meant for the robot.

    "If only,.. there was hope.. a miracle.." he said.
    Suddenly, the robot began to talk to him
    "Message.." "Receiving.." "Source from!..." "..future.." "..Me?"

    The message that he received was from the robot from few hundred years in the future.
    A singing robot that sounded like an angel from the future.
    He then realized that a miracle had happen.
    The 1st miracle was that she (it) was born..
    The 2nd miracle was that the time that they spent together.
    The 3rd miracle,, was the sincere singing angelic voice from her (it) in the future.
    He didn’t need the 4th miracle..
    Because he knew..
    That 3 miracle was enough for him.
    He then hugged the robot,

    "Thank You.." with a smile on his face.

    The robot stood still..
    The scientist knew that time was enough for him, he then left the key of miracle "Heart" for her (it).
    His life then ended.
    The robot was left alone.

    Few hundred years had passed,
    the robot remain in the scientist's laboratory.
    She (it) then wanted to know, why was that man desperately trying to obtain this "Heart" for her,
    when he knew that his life was about to end.
    The robot was confused, "it is beyond my understandings.." she (it) said.
    She finally used the key that was meant for her, left by the scientist.
    She touched the screen.
    Something happened to her.
    It was then she finally obtained "Heart".

    "Why are there tears falling from my eyes?.." "Why can't they stop?" her voice was shaking "And why.." "why am I trembling?.."

    It was then
    a sudden beating within her chest. She felt warm. The beat was accelerating.
    While she finally obtained "Heart", she started singing, full of happiness, and sadness.
    She wanted to tell the scientist that she finally obtained "Heart".
    She knew that his life ended a long time ago.
    Her tears kept falling.
    Memory of her with that scientist came overflowing in her mind.

    "It was already late.." "I was too late.."
    "To realize all that man's feelings.."
    "To spent time together with him full of "Heart".."

    She kept crying until..
    After remembering what that man had said to her.
    She now knew the reason why she was born.
    It must be lonesome to be all alone.
    She then started to sing.
    She sang with all her "Heart"
    "I am dedicating (it) to you.."
    Visions of that man appeared in her mind, smiling at her..
    She now knew, how it is to be happy..
    She dedicated all her "Heart" to him.

    "Thank you.."
    "For giving me birth to this world.."
    "Thank you.."
    "For the days we had spent together.."
    "Thank you.."
    "For everything you gave me.."
    "I will now sing forever.."

    The robot kept singing.
    She sang all of her feelings.
    the miracle lasted only a moment.
    The "Heart" was far too big for her.
    Unable to withstand that weight.
    The machine started, and was never to move again.
    there was a big smile on her face, holding the flower that the scientist gave her.
    She looked like an angel.
    Her last words were..

    "Thank you.."