• "So, this is your room." he said. I smiled and nodded. He nearly tripped over a snow-covered log. "Is this all an illusion or real?" he asked. I shrugged "Half and half" He made his way to my bed and sat down next to me. "What happened to you? I looked all over for you before someone named Persephone told me that you were here. Um, also, who's Persephone?" I sighed "Persephone is Demeter's daughter and Queen of the underworld. I was beaten by Ruka and I woke up here." "Well, that explains why there was such a huge panic, two immortal beings were fighting eachother" That was a stab in the gut. "Just an Immortal being. Is that all I am?" I thought. "A girl or goddess named Midori told me that someone named Zeus and Ruka wouldn't let us be together. Who is this guy Zeus anyway?" I looked at him "Zeus is the lord of sky, king of all gods and goddesses, more powerful than any other god or goddess."

    Next, Eternal Snow 14