• So, that was my first night stuck in Wal-Mart, and well, it wasn’t a very good night either. The noises kept going on and on but finally it stopped. I was still so scared to death. But eventually I fell to asleep. Until….

    “Andddd good morning Wal-Mart shoppers! The sayings always say, the early bird gets the worm! Up an at ‘em!” Ryder’s voice echoed through the whole place announcing he was up. The lights blinded me and I stirred.

    “No,” I mumbled. I then heard music thudding and him singing to it. I groaned. Why did I have to sleep close to the entertainment section? Then I heard feet slapping on the ground coming toward me. I looked up just as Ryder came around the corner and looked at me. His face was baffled. He had taken his Wal-Mart vest off and had on jeans and a black long sleeved shirt.

    “What?” I asked annoyed.

    He raised an eyebrow and I realized how cute it was. Stranger! Remember that Trinity. “Jeez, that doesn’t look comfortable,” he said looking around.

    I snorted. “You have no idea.”

    He frowned. “Why are you sleeping in front of the paints?” he asked.

    I sighed. “I paint and this was the only place I thought I would feel at home.” He stared at me a moment his purple grayish eyes looking for something in mine.

    “You mean you actually like being home?” I stared dumbfounded.

    “Why wouldn’t I?” I asked sitting up.

    He was frowning. His brown eyebrows pulled together and it was actually kind of a turn on. You can’t think that! Oh my gosh! I can’t believe I just thought that! You don’t even know him! And besides, all guys are scum bags! They only want one thing. Sex. And I wasn’t about to do that!

    He shrugged. “My family dooesn't exactly bring out the welcome mat for me when I get home.” I saw real pain in his eyes and I felt an odd ache for him. Wow, he didn’t want to go home? No kid should feel that way. Something loosened in my heart for him. The pain in his eyes vanished before I could say anything. “But who really cares about that?” he asked with a laugh.

    I frowned and opened my mouth to say something before he cut me off.

    “Listen, um, I need some help if that’s okay?”

    I narrowed my eyes at him. “And what would that be?”

    He grinned. “I need help getting the Thin screen over to the bed.”

    I laughed. “How long do you think we’ll be in here?”

    He shrugged and looked away. “Does it matter? In exchange I’ll let you watch movies.” He said looking back at me with a grin.

    I laughed again. “Ugh I don’t think so! How bout this,” I said standing up. “I’ll help you get your Thin Screen over to your little bedroom if do everything I say and ask you. Deal?” this time he narrowed his eyes at me.

    “Why in the hell would I do that?”

    I smirked. “Cause if you break that Thin Screen, Wal-Marts going to kick your a**.” He stared at me a long moment.

    “Fine. Deal.” He put out his hand and I smiled evilly and shook it. “I think I just sold my soul to the devil,” Ryder said eying me.

    I laughed. “I’m not mean, I just…” I trailed off wondering why I was.

    “It’s your defense mechanisms.”

    I stared surprised. “What?”

    He smiled softly. “When someone hurts you, you get mean.” Was I really that bad? I thought back to my friend June, when I had gotten into a fight with my dad. He had yelled at me for something stupid I can’t even remember now, and I had yelled at June when I got to school. Telling her she was selfish and that she only cared about clothing. I just sort of blurted it out because I wanted someone to blame and get mad at. She hasn’t talked to me since. I looked away from his eyes. He was right. How come this stranger knows me more then my own parents?

    “How do you know that?” I whispered. I saw him shrug in the corner of my eye.

    “We do go to the same school, you know that right?”

    I looked up surprised. “No we don’t!” I said. He shook his head.

    “Yes we do. I know who you are. Not well but I’ve seen you around.” How come I didn’t recognize him then? I would have remembered those purple….wait! I do…sort of.

    “We have Biology this year….”

    He nodded. “And Algebra 2.”

    I pursed my lips together. “I don’t expect you to know me. I hung out with my own friends and you---“

    “Hung out with myself.”

    He didn’t say anything. I always did. I was a loner at school. Expect for June. When we were friends. But I revolted everyone at my school. Specially the boys. I just didn’t like anyone. I was to busy studying to be hanging with friends, or making any. Was I really that bad? Did people really not like me? I thought . I wasn’t stuck up. I was just to busy with school work.

    “It’s not a bad thing, being alone. Some people like it.”

    I looked up at him. His eyes were smiling softly at me like he was trying to comfort me without touching me.

    “Whatever I don’t care. It’s school. I’m leaving all of this s**t behind anyhow.” My voice held acid.

    He frowned.

    “Let’s just go get this done,” I said annoyed already. “I just want to get changed first.” I walked past him with my arms crossed over my chest. I didn’t like this at all. I wanted to go home. I went to the clothes and looked at all of the pretty colors. I decided on just a pair of simple jeans and a gray long sleeved shirt. I went to the socks and grabbed a nice soft pair then went to the bathrooms. I didn’t see Ryder at all and I figured he was getting ready to move the Thin Screen. I changed quickly and brushed my teeth then went back out. I saw him with motor powered cart that helped you carry heavy stuff. It had one seat in it with a big fork in the front. I walked over to him as he put the fork under a big box. It was about 2 feet taller then me and about as long as me.

    “Is this the Thin Screen?” I asked totally surprised. He turned around to me on the motor cart and grinned like a little kid. I do remember him. We’ve been in school since kindergarten. Why didn’t I recognize him then? I’m to busy with college and my future then to find the cutest boy in high school. Wait, am I saying he’s cute? “Yes sir it is.”

    I laughed.

    He smiled at me and I saw his eyes go to my lips.

    “I like your laugh.” I stopped laughing and felt almost embarrassed. He didn’t look ashamed just smiled. “You should do it more often.”

    I shrugged and cleared my throat. “Okay what do you want me to do?”

    “Stay behind it so when it moves it doesn’t bounce on the ground or get damaged. In other words, hold it as I move.”

    I nodded and went to the back like he said. We got the Thin Screen in front of his bed which wasn’t very far from the entertainment section. But on our way there we stopped at a place where all the movies, on an island section of different movies, had been knocked off and behind, on the shelf of light bulbs had been broken.

    “What the hell?” he asked and looked at me.

    I bit my lip. “Just shut up and drive,” I muttered.

    He pressed his lips together so he wouldn’t laugh and started up again.