• Dr. Robotnik held up the Chaos Emerald to the sky as he laughed maniacally. Sweat dripping from his forehead from months of non-stop work. "At Last! V-K is complete! And with this Chaos Emerald I shall finally take this world over and the rest! No One Can Stop Me!!" Dr. Robotnik then Smirked and placed the Green Emerald into V-K, flipping switches and smashing a power button protected by glass. Dr. Robotnik Laughed again as the Portal 'V-K' roared to life. A Red vortex then began to show it's self and change in size. The Doctor was pleased to see what he has created worked! Only way to prove it really did work was by walking into this red vortex. Dr. Robotnik then grabbed himself the other chaos emerald then jumped into the vortex and as he did so the vortex then closed!
    The portal opened into the meeting room in the Castle that Never Was. There were thirteen very tall, though empty, chairs...In fact, the whole castle was empty. Not a person, living or dead, currently resided there...though something changed as Robotnik entered. Dark shapes flickered over the seats of the chairs, a few resembling the castle's previous inhabitants...

    Dr. Robotnik fell onto the ground as the vortex shot him out. The emerald slipping out of his hand laying next to him. Dr. Robotnik look at the emerald and grabbed it. "Hmm. I should really make a drone next time to test these things.." he then huffed and got up. He then looked up to see these high chairs and everything else around him. "What is this place i have gone to...." He gazed up and down in amazement,

    The castle drew power from the emerald and eventually, the flickering shape in the highest chair materialized into the figure of a man wearing a trench coat decorated with a few chains, the hood up and covering his face. "You are in my castle," the figure answered, his low voice echoing around the room. The hooded face turned downwards towards the doctor curiously to observe him better...especially the object in his hand...

    The Doctor looked up at this dark man, fixing his glasses to focus on to his face to make sure his eyes were not playing tricks on him. "Why, Hello There-!" Robotnik said in a semi enthusiastic tone. He then fixed his jacket and smirked with an evil grin.

    He didn't return the greeting. The dark figure's eyes narrowed suspiciously, though they were unseen under his hood. "What brings you to this world?..." The man in front of him wasn't a Nobody, so he didn't see a normal reason for him to be there.

    Dr. Robotnik looked up at this dark figure and made small smirk. He decided to not return an anwser since the figure didn't return a greeting. "My name is Dr. Robotnik, and who are you? What is this world that i am in?" He said in a somewhat edged tone.

    The hooded figure chuckled coldly. "You do not even know where you are?..." He shook his head lightly, then, with a flash of light, appeared on the ground in front of Robotnik. "You are in a world where those without hearts eventually drift..." He lifted his hands, pulling down his hood, revealing dark skin, orange eyes, and a slight, amused smirk. "You may call me Xemnas...I am the commander of this castle and all who inhabit it." He took a step towards him, eyes following the emerald. "And why, may I ask, have you come here, doctor?..."

    The Doctor grinned and played with a side of his beard. "Oh i see... I’m here to... see if i could perhaps team up with a man like you. To conquer My world and this world." Robotnik then showed the emerald to Xemnas, but still keeping it away from him to get. "This my friend is how i have gotten myself into your world. I am from a world far more diffrent from yours..." *Dr. Robotnik then slipped the emerald into his coat pocket and looked at Xemnas. He then told him of what his world then asked Xemnas about his world and if he would join him in his evil scheme.

    Xemnas tried to keep a poker face and not show how interested he was in the emerald and its power, but his eyes followed it again as Robotnik moved it again. He nodded as he listened, keeping an apathetic frown despite how interesting Robotnik's world sounded. He then briefly explained the World that Never Was, Heartless, and Nobodies, though he didn't mention the fact that he and his organization had no hearts. He ALSO didn't mention the fact that Organization XIII had been killed yet, since he himself was curious as to how they were alive again. He finally came back to the topic at hand. "I see how the assistance of my organization would help you, but what would we take from partnering with you?..."

    "Xemnas how about 50/50, you get to have full control of your world and i can have full control of my world... All we have to do is work together and we can make an empire! Now what do you say?" Robotnik put his hand out to Xemnas while the other held to his glasses grinning evilly.

    Xemnas listened to the offer, then smirked; that was the answer that he had wanted. He took Robotnik's hand, shaking it firmly. "How may my Organization be of assistance to you?" He waved his free hand towards the chairs, where, at the gesture, the other twelve members materialized, looking down at the two men curiously.

    Dr. Robotnik made a crooked smiled then spoke, "Well here is the plan..." Robotnik then spoke to all of them of what he needed them to do in order to get his plan into action.