• “Come on, you scared?” Julian slams the car door shut walks over to where the path ends. April looks over , seeing the terrified look on Julian’s face. “Haha, what you’re you so worried about?” He glares over at her. “I don’t know April, maybe getting killed?” She laughs, looking down the steep, rocky hill in front of her. “Julian, I heard this place is super scary, it’ll be worth it, I promise.” Julian sighs and looks over the edge of the hill, nervously. “Ya know, it’s really dark down there, babe. An-and what if-if like my mom is looking for me or-or something? I think we should go.” April laughs again, looking at Julian with a puzzled look, “I thought you were the man here? Hah. Guess not!” Julian walks away and opens the car door. “Hey! Julian? Come on! I’m sorry, I was kidding!” He whips around. “What’s this to you anyway? So what if it’s haunted? It’s not that I’m scared, er anything. It’s that it’s stupid and we could get hurt!” April walks toward him. “You know you’re totally right. Let’s go babe--oh wait can you go grab my flashlight?” Julian gives her a worried look. “Sure…” He starts to walk toward the top of the hill where she left it, and picked it up. Suddenly he hears footsteps running toward him. “Come on babe let’s go!” April ran and jumped on Julian’s back and Julian fumbled the flashlight around. “Ah- babe watch--” before she could finish, Julian lost his balance, sending both of them tumbling down the hill.

    “B-babe?” Julian stumbles, trying to get up. “Ow…m-my head…” He looks around, only to find he is surrounding by darkness. “April?” He sees the flickering of the dying flashlight in the distance and starts running toward the light. “April?…April?” Julian looks down and picks up the flash light, his heart racing. He looks around momentarily, shining the light all over the surrounding landscape. Then he spots it. “Ap-april?” He dashes toward a body laying limp on the ground. “April? Baby?” He turns her over onto her back. Her face and body are cut up and her clothes torn. “April?!” Julian puts his head on her chest. “…….” Julian’s face becomes stricken with fear. He beats his fist down on her chest. “APRIL!” Again. “April, PLEASE!” Tears start streaming down his face as her keeps pounding her chest, finally breaking down, shaking his head in disbelief. “APRIL!!!!”

    Rain pours, bouncing off the sea of black umbrellas. Anguished people of all ages pass by and drop a rose on the casket. Julian walks over, rain drenching his suit. He stares down at the casket. Closed. He shakes his head, as he starts to tear up, placing a locket he had been given from April on the casket. Her parents glance up at him, quickly turning away, April’s mother hysterical. He walks down through the cemetery, looking back at the crowd of people disgusted at him. He trips and falls in the mud, splashing mud all over himself. He desperately brings himself to his knees and looks up . The clouds are dark and grey, and the sky so dull. He bows his head in sadness.

    Julian walks 10 miles in the pouring rain to his house. He slowly pushes open the door, and lazily walks up the stairs. Disregarding his outfit, he slams down onto his bed. He turns over and sees a picture of April and him at the beach on his nightstand. His mind rages with the memories of their 4 year relationship. He opens his drawer, and pulls out a box. He lays his head on his pillow as he opens the box. A ring. It was the ring he was going to give her. Next week was their anniversary, and he was ready to propose. He breaks out in tears and slams his face repeatedly on his pillow. 1 month passes.

    “Hey Julian.” Julian looks around, blankly, in a bright white room. “April?” A glowing figure immerges from the light. “I’ve missed you.” Julian smiles with delight, “I’ve missed you too!” April was wearing a bright red dress, high heels. “Hey baby. Don’t you forget about me now. Don’t.” Julian shakes his head smiling, “Don’t worry baby! I never will!” April smiled the smile Julian loved. “I’ve left you something to remember me.” Julian steps toward her. “What is it?” April lifts her hand, containing something. “Here baby.” Julian reaches his hand out.

    AHH!” Julian flies his head up of the pillow. “Oh god…ha. Just another dream about April. Ha…” Julian looks down at his hand. and suddenly his eyes widen. In his hand lays the locket he had left on her casket. He drops it and rushes, falling backwards off his bed hard onto the floor. “Ah!” He backs toward his closet, staring at the locket on his bed. “What the? Huh? But? What?” He looks all around, and dashed to his dresser, grabbing his phone. He ran out his door, down into his living room, dialing his mom. “Mom, mom! Ya gotta listen to me!” He circles around, his eyes scattering all over the room. “What honey?” “The locket! The one I left on April’s casket, ya know?! Well I woke up today and found it in my hand!” He ran his hand through his hair. “What? Julian I don’t have time for this right now, I have a meeting. Just try to settle down, okay?” Julian’s face turned in anger. “Mom? MOM?! Agh!” He ran up into his room.

    Later in the day, Julian sat, staring at the TV. April casually comes and lays on him. She runs her finger along the side of his face, “Hey baby…heh.” Julian jumps and looks over at the seat next to him. Nothing. “Okay, okay! I’m hallucinating. Come on Julian, stay with it!” he yells to himself. He lays his head down on the couch. “God, maybe I just to rest a little, settle down.” he keep repeating to himself. He slowly drifts back into his deep sleep, and reunites with his angelic April again. “April!” April smiled, in her ruby red dress. “Oh, Julian! You didn’t forget about me! Oh baby I have something really important to tell you!” Julian smiled. “What is it babe, you can tell me anything!” “Baby, I’m--”

    Julian feels a nudging on his arm. He sits up and looks around, his mother standing over him. “Julian, go up to bed. You’ve been sleeping down here for 8 hours, I think you might be sick or something.” Julian rubs his eyes, “Yeah, sick.” He sits up and walks up into his room and lays back down on the bed. Thoughts swim through his mind of his childhood and previous girlfriends. Knock-knock. “Hey there, kiddo.” It was his step-dad, Steve. “Your mom was telling me you haven’t been feeling too good, is this right?” Julian sighed. “Yeah, I’ve just been having all these weird feelings ever since that night, ya know? Like…I don’t know.” Steve nods, “Yeah Julian, that’s not an easy thing to go through.” Julian sits up. “And you know what the weird part is? I left the locket April gave me ontop of her casket. And today I woke up, to find it in my hand. Now there’s no way I accidentally brought it back home. I remember putting it down. I remember!” Steve raised his eyebrows. “Wow, that’s insane. And there was absolutely no way you brought it home?” Julian through his hands in the air. “No! Look right--” Steve looked around. “What?” Julian hopped off the bed and searched. He fell to the floor and searched again. “What’s wrong Julian?” He stood up slowly. “It’s gone.” Steve tilted his head. “What’s gone?” “The locket Steve!” A look of annoyance wiped over Steve’s face as he got up and started walking out of the room. “No! Steve I swear it was here! I left it right here on the bed! I swear!” He had already left the room. Julian ran in circles, holding his head. “Keep it together, keep it together!” The whole room felt as if it were shaking. Julian collapsed onto the ground.

    Rain pours, bouncing off of Julian’s face. “Wa-where am I?” He looks up to see April standing over him. She looked puzzled, “What’re you doing here Julian?” Julian stood up. He was in the cemetery. “I…I don’t know.” April smiled at him, “God you’re cute.” Julian smirked. “So baby what were you gonna tell me earlier?” Aprils face became blank and lifeless. “…..Baby?” April didn’t answer. “Babe?” Lightning strikes, crashing behind Julian as he whips around. “Ah!” He turns back, and April is gone. “Ah?!” He sees a womanly figure in the distance. “April? April?!” She turns over toward Julian, smiling and waving. Julian lit up and ran toward her. “I’m coming baby! I’m coming! He dives to give her a hug. Thud. Julian opens his eyes only to see the wet grass he fell in. His head spun and pictures of April ran through his brain. She was mumbling indistinguishable words, then suddenly lightning strikes again and Julian stands up.

    He runs down through the cemetery, glancing at every tombstone, lightning striking all around him, and wind tipping over the trees. He suddenly screeches to a halt. “It was right here. She was buried right here!” He looked down to see an empty patch of grass, no tombstone. “I know she was buried here!” He starts digging at the grass, sobbing hysterically. He stops, and puts his head in his hands. “What is happening to me? Have I lost it?” He looks up at April standing over him. “Please come back to me April, please! I’m losing my mind!” “Baby. I have to tell you something!” “Yes?! Tell me!” “I’m not dead!” “What?!”

    "Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!” Julian shot his head up, breathing heavily. His eyes were wide and his heart pumping. “Julian?” he looked over. His mom, step-father, and girlfriend were all standing over him. His mother in tears, “Oh you’re okay!!” Julian lowered his eyebrows. “Gosh we were so worried about you!” Julian face showed complete puzzlement. “Worried? Why?” His mother leaned back from him. “Well after the fall and all…” “The fall?” Julian glanced over at April. “The fall Julian. You and April were at that haunted hill or whatever, and you both fell down the hill. You had a severe concussion and April had to drive you to the hospital. You fell into a coma, hun.” Julian’s heart sank as he looked around and realized he was in a hospital bed. “What? How long have I been out for?” Steve smiled, “Just over a month, now.” Julian relaxed his head back on his pillow and sighed. April smiled over at him. Julian smiled back, “You would not believe this nightmare I just had.”